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Gibson 57 Classic


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Hey Guy


Early last year bought was suppose to be Gibson 57 Classics off of member at MLP I have notice as of late the screw has a gold color I just need to confirm weather or not these are legit or fake Here are some pictures My apologies if the quality isn't so good I was trying not have the flash get into the road on these








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What I think, Tazz, is that the plating is coming off the screws, making them LOOK gold......I'm not sure about that, but, that's my guess.....


I've only recently begun to really study pickups in depth.....57s and 57+classics are interesting; Many use two 57s in the two positions;


Some use 57+ in both positions, and some do the 57 in the neck and a 57+ in the bridge.....I have all three combos in various guitars.....


Another often used combo is a 57 in the neck, and a BB 2 or 3 in the bridge......I'm quite certain I'm right in my statement here Tazz,


if I'm wrong, I'll be suprised, and apologetic.........I'm also in Oregon; the weather is quite kind to metal guitar parts....Perhaps the climate


of the previous owner was not so kind; Boston was very hard on my guitar parts back in my youth............57+ are the same as 57s, but with


a few extra wire turns......$130 is a good price; I just got three Gibby PUs for $120.......I've found that "AmplifiedParts" has the best prices


for new Gibson pickups, and many other parts as well ( just some info )..................

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i would say they are 57's. the 57+ is the bridge and is wound hotter so you will get a higher reading.



my first initial thought is that the nickle covers replaced gold ones to match a different guitar that was nickle. also gold wears off reall easy. if there is a trace of gold on the sides of the nickle pups that would make it all original amd the gold just wore off especially if they are as old as they look and the screws hold the gold alot better than the cover.



another scenario is that the owner took wire wool to the covers to remove the gold and that would explain the scratches.



at the end of the day if they sound good then keep them [thumbup]

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