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ol fred

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It might seem a bit early but we have set a date for SANSJAM 2012. Lots of participants still gig and a few spend their summers traveling and all have asked to set the date as early as possible.

If you're new to the forum or just not familiar with the jam, it's simple, music,food, and fun in the California Gold Country. This year will also include whitewater rafting on the North Fork of the American River for any who may be interested.

If you're planning on rafting you need to be here the evening of the 10th


What's provided ? Secure camping facilities, tent or RV, Showers and bathroom facilities,Secure storage for your axes and gear should you choose to go rafting or exploring. Snacks throughout the day, dinner on the 11th, and brunch if you choose to spend the night. Music, friends, and fun.


What should you bring ? Your instrument(s) AMPS and Mics if you want. Your family or close friends. If you intend to spend the night, (recommended if you intend to drink) bedroll and tent, and shower kit. Although we do provide a limited amount of beverages, if you're going to drink anything stronger than root beer...please BYOB. Everyone usually shares, but please remember this is a family affair


If you think that you would like to come and are not already on the SANSJAM mailing list please email me from my profile page.

Hope to see ya here.

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Fred, I'm going to ask my SIL & BIL from Oregon to come to the SANSJAM.


I recall you posted some photos from last year, (maybe on Flicker?).


Can you post the link? I'd like to send the link to her.


If she came, she'd be another player, (I gave her lessons about 30 years ago), but mostly she's want to watch and listen to everyone.

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