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My 65 Gibson ES-345 came in today


Can someone tell me about these pickups?


Are they original


The metal covers are still intact from the front but the gold is brushed off a bit and looks worn and old


http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f143/TheSpacePilot/Equipment/DSC08916.jpg (Bridge)


http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f143/TheSpacePilot/Equipment/DSC08918.jpg (Neck)



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Gibson stopped using "PAFs" , that is "Patent Applied For" stickers around the end of 1962 though some 63s have PAFS that would have been wound and waiting on the shelf. In 1965 those should be patent number pickups. The sticker would have had a patent number, actually for a bridge if I remember correctly, on the sticker.

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