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Anyone ever play a Fender Kingman


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I have played a few both back in the 1960s and recently and the Fenders are one of those guitars that when you get now get hold of you think these don't sound near as bad as I recall they did. Heavy as heck with that big old broomstick brace running through them but very cool looking. I have not played one of the modern versions though so do not have a clue how they stack up against the old ones. The one new Fender I have played is that mahogany Hellcat (based on one of the old Harmony-made Fenders) - and I gotta say I was kinda impressed with it especially at the price.

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I know these were made in the 60's

Fender just made a batch of these in Fiesta Red

I heard one on youtube and thought is sounded pretty nice .




any of you folks own an original back in the day ?








The New Fender USA Kingman is fine handmade guitar from premium materials. I saw them being made in the New Hartford Ct factory. (Ovation, Adamas Hamer and Guild) Ren Ferguson is working on the design.


It nothing like 1960s Kingman dred that used a bolted on electric neck, metal adjustable saddles and very thin lightly braced laminated bodies. Roger Rossmeisl in 1962 was hired to build acoustic guitars. He had previously worked for Rickenbacker. They are unique and have their own sound. Many stars used them. I have 1969 Fender Malibu the 00 size body. I like it.

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well, i have a 69 fender shenandoah, which is basically a kingman with a XII neck on it

i play it as a six string and have to say, I enjoy it a lot




These are very well made guitars although different then conventional acoustic guitars, and thats also how i treat it, as a different duck, not even start to compare it with my 46 LG 2


I will not do mine away quickly, i love the look and the sound of it (very dry sound and loud, atleast the one I have)


i also have had a 69 newporter, well, i will not miss that one.... enough said :)

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I can't speak specifically to the Kingman but a friend that visits occasionally has an old Malibu and while it doesn't have a lot of volume it has killer tone and a great neck. I was down in New Mexico last October visiting my girlfriend's friends and there was an old guitar case in the corner, which sparks curiosity in me these days, so I asked if I could check it out. Inside was an old Fender dread, a DG3 if memory serves, and it was quite the instrument; dry and woody. I wanted to buy it but no luck. I'm normally not too drawn to Martin dreads or clones thereof but that Fender was an awesome instrument. So they make, and have made, good ones. I guess it's like anything else, play it first if you can, and keep an open mind.

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I guess it's like anything else, play it first if you can, and keep an open mind.





and that is a bit the thing


It is the same with those fender coronado's


Nobody likes them, but how many have actually played one


they say it doesnt sound like a gibson es 335, well that is correct, since they aren't gibson :)


good thing is that like this they are still pretty cheap to get

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