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Hanging with Scotty Moore


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Scotty Moore is a great guy and fabulous guitarist,I've had several chats with him on FB as one of my best buddies is a very good friend of his,so much so that Scotty as a special favour to him phoned the Gibson special works section(or whatever they called it then) and asked them to make a lefty version of his personal guitar for Lew and Lew hadn't asked for anything he just commented that Scotty had the best sounding guitar that he'd ever heard.There aren't many stars that have hearts that big -this was way back in the 60s or 70s.Anyway if you go on Scotty's Facebook page you'll see several pix of him and my buddy Lew.I guess the reason that Scotty took to him is because Lew got off just about every riff that Scotty played and consequently has been hailed as the best country picker in Eastern Canada.I have one of Scotty's T-shirts and on the back is a quote from Keith Richards"If it wasn't for Scotty Moore I would have never picked up a guitar."If you look further into Sotty's picture gallery you'll see a pic of me wearing his T-shirt holding my old Gretsch Tennessean and John Lennon '65 Casino.

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