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can anyone spot my tuner ??

it's a planet waves mini tuner . anyone else bought one yet ?

although i have used an intellitouch tuner for maybe past 5 years or more , i thought i'd try one of these little chaps .

works the very best and , you've gotta agree is fairly discreet .



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Im looking to get a tuner, dont know which one yet......yours looks pretty cool


BTW..your pics are HUGE


i havent had it long enough to give it a full 10 points yet , so far it works good and i got it because its discreet and i had £15 quid that i didnt know what to do with .

if anyone asked me what tuner they should buy i would tell them an intellitouch just because they last so long . seem to be indestructible

i went through 5 or 6 that all fell apart / didnt work right etc ... intellitouch is at least 5 years old with no problem

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