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I have finally made it


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I have made it, 10 posts and now I am a whole Gibson forum member. I did not want to be THAT guy who clogs up the forum with repeated "stupid post #1, stupid post #2" so I am here legit.


I am one happy guitar player because today I have found the amp rig of my liking. I picked up a Epiphone Valve jr 5 watt amp head used for $70 and an Egnater 112 cab with a celestion heritage speaker used for $170. I dont know if this was a good deal but it sure felt like a good deal with the tons of sweet tone this set up produces. I am amazed at the amount of sound this little amp puts out. Paired with my Melody Maker this is my happy zone. [thumbup] Now I only wish I could play better. (dont we all)

here is a pic.

post-44328-095924100 1339911588_thumb.jpg

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Thanks for the response over there. By the time I saw your response I had already bought the cab. It is a 16ohm which the guy at guitar center assured me would cause me no problems. He said I could use 16ohm but not 4ohm. I hope he didnt steer me wrong, but it sure does sound nice. [-o<

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