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Playing in poor conditions..


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I don't think that the sunshine or humidity will bother your Gibson's lacquer paint job. I've sweated profusely all over many Gibson guitars and it never damaged any of them.. When playing a polyurethane painted Strat my green Tee Shirt got sweaty and the 'green sweat' stained my Olympic White Jimmie Vaughan Strat paint permanently. It's not really bad but it is a good thing to know about poly finishes! Peace.

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terry wrist bands are a lifesaver for you and your SG, get the long ones like James Hettfield uses, it eliminate the slimy feeling between your arm and the body, and you can wipe your face too.

Get a small bar towel, bandanna or soft cloth and keep wiping down every other song through out the set, front, back, and neck I have played a lot of outdoor events, (Car shows, Ect.), even some brutal non AC indoor shows in the summer, theses are a few thing I learned to keep packed in with my gear for the hot months.

you and the SG should make out just fine.


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