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Krist Novoselic on Kurt CObain


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I'm always amazed that these 'fantastic' people are still fantastic when the dust settles, lets be honest he was bound to be a reasonably high maintenance nightmare. Ultimately selfish on the count of his kid. They often call these geezers a "rollercoaster ride" I suppose rollercoasters are only supposed to last a few minutes after a half hour it would be tedious and akin to traveling on 1970's public transport. I saw them play live at Reading in 1992, to be honest it wasn't all that live, bit waspy.. The Charlatans completely blew them out of the water in terms of riding a festival crowds buzz. Top drawer stuff from a bunch of middle-hitters.


The deliberate suicide cases, like him above, the little Welsh make-up fella, it's just nowhere near as rock'n'roll as the misadventure fellas. They had it sussed, full acceleration until the tank runs dry, those other plebs sound like lonely old grannies full of too much gin.

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