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Original 1938 SJ 200


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I think Elderly has one of these for sale now: $125,000.

Nick ,


that one is from the 40's (42 or 43) it has a different burst also .

I did find photos of a 1994 30's Reissue done in maple . supposedly there was a rare maple version done in the 30's .














this one looks nice but the 2012 version looks alot closer to the original (except for the individual saddles)





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Nice back wood.


I went to the Elderly in 1983..my first real vacation that was.

I went to the outside of what was the Gibson Factory(at least thats what I was told that was)...

Went there looking to find an original maple neck Strat for a good price as my wifes brother said Id find one up there..didnt.

Found 2 50's Les Paul Jrs for $335 & $385 asking but I had one..

Went to the Henry Ford Museum..saw those old reassembled shoppes,clocks & furniture...history and it transformed me from a guy that was only interested in guitar & stereo.

Two years later to Smithsonian and it was confirmation.


Would have been nice to play the old one at Elderly to see how it compares to a good new one.

Nice pictures Juan thanks

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this one looks nice but the 2012 version looks alot closer to the original (except for the individual saddles)

Yep, the 2012 version is definitely the closest they've come (except, thank goodness, for the individual saddles: you've gotta draw the line somewhere!) Pretty much spot-on from the front, with a best-ever repro pickguard and a nice job of slightly altering the headstock shape. But there are some obvious differences -- deeper body, non-tapered head stock -- from the side. Still, a very nice overall job.


-- Bob R

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Would have been nice to play the old one at Elderly to see how it compares to a good new one.

That particular old one is nowhere near as good as the best new ones, in my opinion. I know several other people who have played it and agree with me.


-- Bob R

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