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What happened to the Masterbilts?


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I don't know if this topic has been covered before(probably has I'm new).I'm the proud owner of the quality Epiphone Masterbilt guitar(early production)-like so many other working musicians. Can anyone tell me why these are not being produced anymore? I have asked the question other places and there seems to be no consensus on an answer. Does anyone know? Maybe an employee of Epiphone can chime in here.Too much competition with the higher priced acoustics out there? Thanks!

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Well I heard (read) more than a few people say that a MB sounds pretty darn close to a J45, and at a fraction of the price.......can't have that.


I have no idea if this is the ONLY reason....but it will be interesting to see how this one shakes out.

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Rayban I wondered if it was something like that myself... I know they had some problems with the later preamp. I have the older Baggs which I really like and have had no problems with it. But still a bad pick-up system shouldn't warrant a discontinuation of the model. Just ramp it up and replace the failing system and move on. Go back to the Baggs or another reliable system.I'm no spring chicken and have had and played them all over the years- but it was finally nice to have a workhorse with the specs of the Masterbilt line for the masses. I'd really like Gibson/Epiphone to come public with an explanation for the reason they've stopped the line. I guess on the other hand these models will appreciate over time in step with their big(Gibson) brothers because of their quality and supply and demand...

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Well, I've got the two-pup version, a 500me. Ain't beaten the stuffings out of it yet, but it's doggone nice acoustic and as nice or better such electric as I've done. Every time I think I wish I'd gotten a cutaway version... I figure naaaah.


Marketing is interesting, and planning for a market niche.


That said... this one is "awfully interesting..."


Hey, I'd love a smaller body AE MB - think PR5e with all solid wood.



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I consider myself to be a very lucky and proud owner of 3 Masterbilts. The reputation of these guitars were so outstanding that when I heard they were to go out of production for unknown reasons, I decided to scramble for the three best I could find, realizing that if I did not, I may never be able to get them before they went out of stock nation wide. I managed to get a new MB AJ-500R and a new MB AJ-500M, and then I aquired a new DR-500MCE..which is still in production. I have to honestly say that I have never been so pleased with any three guitars I have ever owned..and I have owned over 27 high end guitars including Gibson, Martins and Taylors and Guilds..several of each in fact. My Masterbilt 3 are a sheer delight and provide for me every single nuisance of tone and playability that I had in all those other guitars and more..at $500 to $600 a piece, instead of $2000 to $3000 a piece. They are so good in fact that I have sold off all my Gibsons and Taylors, and kept just one Martin. I have never regretted it. And I feel it could possibly be for this reason that they are discontinued. If everyone buys a Masterbuilt at $500 to $600 instead of a Gibson at $2000 to $3000...well it does make one wonder if this was not in Gibsons best interests to discontinue the MB collection. In any case, with care, I believe my Masterbilts will last me for life with thousands extra in the bank, and I will still have 3 of the finest playing and richest sounding guitars, in my opinion, that can be had on the market today for the price.After having played my 3 new Masterbilts...and having pitted them neck to neck with all my other guitars, one by one, I found I enjoyed playing my Masterbilts more than all the others. They just feel like home. They never fail to play to perfection, and when ever people hear them, they say OMG is that one beautiful sounding guitar! They are right! Gibson hit it dead nuts on the nail when they made these, and perhaps they came out, just a little bit TOO GOOD...to keep making. Just my guess here. All I know is that they are one wonderful sounding guitar series when set up properly and humidified to perfection. My thanks, and my compliments to Gibson, who have allowed so many guitarists the sheer pleasure of playing such fine guitars, without the outrageous prices charged for most guitars! I wouldn't sell a single one of mine for the world. I only wish I could take them with me when I die! LOL! Good luck on your MB. Treat it well, and it will sing for 10 life times! By the way..the selling of almost all my high end guitars netted me almost $20,000 in cash....and in the end, my three favorite all wood guitars, my Masterbilts...all three..cost no more than $1500! ...Just for the record here, I am not knocking the higher end Gibsons, Martins, Taylors and Guilds or others...all FINE guitars no question about it, and I loved them all! I just loved the sound of my Masterbilts more, even after over 35 years of playing acoustics! They are just so simple and pure and tasteful. So there was simply no need to keep 27 expensive guitars sitting taking up space, when the 3 Masterbilts were eager and ready to play when ever, and where ever I was..be it a stage, a campfire, or my living room sofa on a cold winters night!

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Masterbilts filled a niche for the common working musician. There is no other acoustic that I will ever need.After 40 years of playing I've owned and sold more than I even want to discuss. I have an early production AJ500RE with the Baggs Element system. It has already opened up more through aging of the solid woods. I only hope that they are going to be reintroduced so others who want one can have one without having to settle for some 2nd or "refurbished" guitar. I'm still waiting on an explanation from the company as to the reason they are D/Cd. I may be waiting till the cows come home but I'll be passing the time with my Masterbilt... :)

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