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Martin 1940D28

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Everything posted by Martin 1940D28

  1. Boy, are you lucky. I have two '90's Gibson flat tops, I bought brand new, a '96 J 45 and a '97 Custom AJ with early Jumbo body dimensions with not a drop of glue out of place. They sound great, but not as great as my '42 SJ, my '44 J 45 and my '49 SJ with glue seemingly seeping out of every internal joint that is visible thru the sound hole. The older you get, hopefully, the more you'll realize what I'm trying to say. Have fun with the scraper or razor blade. Neither will improve the guitar,unless if'n all you are content with is the visual aspect of it.
  2. It does make sense if'n you are listening to recordings of different models and makes of guitars. This being the point of discussion, you are at the mercy of the recording engineers, and may never find what you are looking for as the many folks on these forums that "brag or complain" about having owned 75 guitars over the last 20? or so years and never finding their dream. Are you one of the dreamers?
  3. I know just what you are going through. I've had the same intermittent problem over the past few years. Originally we thought it was due to a sort of puncture injury. A thorn, a splinter, a nail?, a spider bite. I had one real bad summer a few years ago, a lost summer for sure. It did clear up somewhat and returns now and then.After all this, my Doc said get used to it, "old age has found you". Guess it finds us all!
  4. My own opinion; Most overrated, recent Martins from 1985 to present. Most underrated, Gibsons from 1963 to 1985, Martins from 1970 to 1985. These are the only guitar brands or makes I've played and enjoyed over 6 decades. No doubt there have been many other decent ones. These are my favorites. In no way am I comparing these choices to the vintage Gibsons and Martins that have been built since the 1930's until the mid to late 1960's. To me, I enjoy playing my birth year "1942 Gibson Southerner Jumbo" and my 1940 Martin D 28 as well as many others built thereafter. Only my desire!
  5. My own opinion would be, "this Gibson era" one size fits all, just a different color. The square shoulder. They are not bad guitars, extreme high quality materials throughout with a nice sound. Quality is a 'hellavalot better than some of the "top notch" builds today. Face it, nothing beats a "vintage".
  6. Wowee, 7enderbender, how have you managed to slip it to so many, mainly me, and the one trying to upstart me for being some what honest, none other than self proclaimed #2 jerk, Hogeye. Try as he may, He or she will have to be around much longer than my 73 years to gain that #1 spot.
  7. Being in the "Greater Boston Area", you have many, many shops to go to! Has somebody been holding your hand all thru life?? Of all the forums to have help make up your mind, the lowest "herd mentality", along with the acoustic forum, would be this one. Make up your own mind! You can always listen to the "sales people" on this forum and others that will help you spend your money. For gosh sakes, wake up!
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