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Everything posted by Cameron!

  1. That's better than me being lazy. I got overnight sister duty since my parents are out partying. Except they don't know that I'm on my phone... Buwhahaha. I would practice some, but alas, it's late and my sister doesn't always like my playing :P

  2. Indeed. And Mark Wahlberg... If he weren't so damn short. Oh, Marky Mark. I only like him because he was in that "Rocker" movie or some title like that. Haha. You watching snl?

  3. It's a sad day when I forum dies. Let us all have a moment of silence in remembrance to testosterone, manly-ness, my pelican nose, perverted jokes and then dem00n being a party pooper. And some things in between like the gorgeous Emma Stone and her awesome hair.

  4. It went to a better place :) It kind of deserved to die anyways... Haha

  5. That reminds me of a time when i posted this EXTREMELY STUPID topic and a ton of people were viewing it. I wanted to delete it sooo bad. Except you're popular and everybody loves your fuzzy-ness so it can't do any harm :)

  6. The random ones are the best. It's the reason i only post in those... Haha.

  7. I see it. I'm a pelican, not a unicorn. That is indeed an odd thread.

  8. Haha, it's all right. All in good fun. The only thing I'm not joking about is my pelican beak.

  9. In case you live in Greenland and have no forms of communication, the snow melted and I am very sad.

  10. Haha, thanks! My friend shot it in the morning, (while we were unexpecting of cameras, haha.) And sorry about the friend request, I think my parents would freak out if I were friends with an adult which I don't personally know... No hard feelings though! I try to keeps my pictures random, since I am quite a promiscuous person :)

  11. Thanks Matt! I'm slowly getting back into the hang of guitar; I used to play for a while but just got too busy. My dad has an old guitar which I'm getting used to the feel before I go buy one. Just trying to get some tips from experienced guitar members first. Thanks!

  12. I think I said "I'm land." So that means that it is land outside today. But oh well. It's hand outside right about now.

  13. Motley Crüe documentary!! yes

  14. You're jealous. I got the looks when we were born.

  15. Your mother thinks Kristines scarf looks SEXY on me. I thought I would share that. But don't tell her, she'll think I'm a total creeper.


  17. He called me and wouldn't hang up and he said "Have you ever talked to someone when they were pooping?" and his voice started echoing! So I called Helena and she said that he does that ALL THE TIME. He calls her when he's pooping! Thts disgusting!

  18. Twinny twin twin! I heard the dance is 80s themed.... You know what that means! You MUST wear your sexy pants and Nikki Sixx hair!! :D

  19. Very indeed true, evil wonder twin brother:)

  20. Get a vaccination from Hepititus J. It could save your life. From creepy stalkers.

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