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Mr. Gibson

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Posts posted by Mr. Gibson

  1. 7 hours ago, Notes_Norton said:

    The last two TV shows I watched:

    1) The last Johnny Carson Tonight Show

    2) The first Jay Leno Tonight Show

    I actually quit watching in 1986 when I started gigging on cruise ships, but I made a special effort to watch both of those.

    I'm sure I'm missing some good stuff now, but frankly, I'm too busy doing things to take the time to watch others.


    You're not missing a thing. Maybe the Sopranos. That was a great series,

  2. 17 hours ago, jdgm said:


    This is correct.  We are still on the upward curve.  Chief Medical Officer in UK  says they are expecting the daily rate of infection to increase for probably another 2 months, and are moving from  containnment strategy into delaying it as much as possible.

    Italy 'locked down' except for food shops and emergency services,  Germany predicting up to70% of people may get infected, Poland closing all schools and this is going on all over Europe now.  Flights everywhere being cancelled.   All has to be done.  These are strange and uncertain times.


    I spent quite awhile this afternoon getting my cheapo little tablet PC to configure/connect its wi-fi to a new router, then update Win10.  Fast it isn't.

    And I'm plotting a NGD too...end of month...maybe if I'm lucky .   Keep calm and.....🎸

    The Prez shutdown all travel from Europe starting tomorrow,,except the UK. Gotta do what you gotta do. We've got our first case confirmed yesterday here in North Dakota,Meanwhile the shelves at the stores are being attacked by paranoid,greedy,non caring except for themselves people. Hate to see what happens if some real sh1t went down.

  3. 5 hours ago, rct said:


    We've looked twice.  A beautiful piece of our country with a pretty good tax scene for retirees that is unfortunately too cold for too long and has very little to do for us.  US 2 is a beautiful drive with a couple nice cities and lots of fabulous different kinds of nothing in between.  We like to take that one whenever we can.


    Yep the cold keeps a lot of people from moving here. Only 750,000 in the whole state of nd.

  4. 23 minutes ago, rct said:

    Yes, they do.  Fortunately, I made a big paper goods trip second week of February, so we are good.

    The TP aisle is fully stocked, with pallets at either end chock full of sh1t paper goodness.

    Since I've been the shopping guy for ten years, and since retirement I'm in the store a couple times a week because I can cook all the time, I know what it costs to live.

    It isn't the shortage the wee todds on social media are mouthing off about.  It's the gouge.  Every pack, every brand, all of them, in the two shoprites I go to, all are at TWICE what they were a month ago.  Already.

    Fukking christ, already.  goddammit we absolutely loathe living here.


    Move to North Dakota,we have plenty of room for you. 

  5. On March 7, 2020 at 5:35 PM, Guitar God said:

    Ben awhile since I've posted on here! Hope everyone here is doing great!  Anyway, got a few new pieces of gear since I last posted.  I'll start off with the one I just got today. Guitar Center just opened in my area on Thursday and I went to the grand opening. I seen this brand new '19 Gibson Les Paul Junior Tribute with the single P90 pickup. It was $550. I was like, "Hmm. I like this thing a lot a lot!". So, I went back in there today and got it. My first guitar with a P90 and it screams! Always wanted a Junior, Special with P90 pickups, or a guitar with P90's in general. This was $550 and they had a 10% off thing going on - think it is just for the grand opening? - so I got it for $500.

    Second is a Peavey TNT bass amp. Has the Black Widow 115 speaker in it. 150 watts. It's an older one - '80's or '90's, I believe. USA made one. Picked it up off of my local Craigslist for $90! So far, I'm really liking it! 

    Third piece of gear is an Ibanez RGEW521ZC. This one, my Dad actually surprised me with. He's a drummer, but he enjoys looking at guitars and basses, too. He seen this one on Musician's Friend and fell in love with the looks and thought I'd like it and said, "This guitar is gorgeous, it has DiMarzio Tone Zone and Air Norton pickups, and I figured with it being an RG, you can use something a different in your collection. I think you'll like it.",  haha. Took me a couple of weeks to warm up to this guitar, though, but it is cool.

    Nice stuff there GG!

  6. 2 hours ago, Rabs said:

    Sorry to hear that..  98 is a good innings though...  I lost my father and my best friend just over a year ago both to cancer,. My friend was only 43, just feels so wrong.. He was a talented musician and still had so much more to give  😞  Thus is life.

    Thanks Rabs,good memories.

  7. Rosary Tuesday night and Funeral today for my Dads oldest brother Wayne, He was 98 years old,so he lived a good long life and was independent until last April when he went in assisted living. He joins my dad and the other 3 brothers in paradise.

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  8. 3 hours ago, Murph said:

    I cut about 40 trees, most of them small, yesterday. Clearing a homestite on some property I own. 

    My chainsaw is running bad, I hope it's just old gas/carburetor issue.

    I'm feeling it this morning !

    Put some sea foam gas treatment in it.

  9. 4 hours ago, kidblast said:

    So, any of yous guys try a set of the new Schaller "S" locks yet?

    Schaller S Lock Link

    I ordered a couple-a sets and put em on my main LP and my Gretsch the other day.   Of course, they will do the job they always did, (Secure the strap to your guitar,, and yes it's one of dozens of options you can use,  so no need to go down the Grolsch beer bottle washers worm hole one more time)

    For guys that use the Shcallers,,, Just a heads up on the new design.  These are a bit better.

    • No more rattling, they are silent. (Provided you swap out your existing strap pin on the guitar with the newer ones)
    • The thread post is longer, which helps to accommodate thicker straps.
    • The pull up/release  button operation feels smoother and more precise
    • They ditched the nut/washer to secure the lock to the strap for a new locking "Lock Wheel" 


     This is definitely a nice improvement.  The old style, you had to check your straps, those nuts could loosen up and potentially just come apart when you least expected it.   (sooo What's the point of strap locks again??) Tighten the lock wheel and then lock it in place with the set screw.  should never move, or come loose.

    They will also safely retro fit on to any existing Schaller style strap pin you may have on your guitars, even the off market ones.  I have a few of those and the new locks fit fine, (they are just not "silent")

    US Cost 22 bucks for silver, 25 bucks for gold.  certainly more dough than the after market ones, and just a bit more expensive than the cost of the Schaller made ones, (they were around 20 per iirc

    I don't think I'll be replacing all of the ones I currently have, but I'll probably get another set or two for the guitars I use the most.  ...that loosening washer thing...   Almost burned me once..

    Worth a look see if you're using or considering using some of these.





    I was looking at these on musicians friend , didn't know what to get,now I do. How come the cheap guitar never comes off the strap? Always the expensive one... They've got cheap plastic ones,but don't imagine you can trust them.

  10. Today I'm going to town(16 miles) to get a new oven element for my crosley range,I was getting ready to make lunch 2days ago,when I noticed the oven glowing inside, burned out as I opened the door. I'll fix it myself,thank God for google. Always somebody got the same problem as you.

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  11. 29 minutes ago, Digger said:

    I split 6 to 8 weeks of firewood yesterday though a few more sessions needed before winter sets in.

    I also used the tractor to repair damage from heavy machinery to the top drive.

    At 8am we are meeting here with a. landscaper  hoping to get some of the damage fixed.

    Sounds like you're giving it hell, what kind of wood are you cutting for firewood? Here we use cottonwood,ash,Chinese and American Elm and pine.

  12. I don't watch a lot of tv,but I did watch the democratic debate last night, what a sh1t show that was. We'll be like Germany's pre war economy and pay 460 billion for a loaf of bread if one of them gets in. They think they're playing with Monopoly money.






  13. 18 hours ago, Digger said:

    I had a good day yesterday!

    We finally got down to our holiday spot at Mallacoota, a small coastal town recently ravaged by bushfires. It was a relief to find our caravan & annex much as we left it other than a bit of ash and lots of cobwebs outside. This iconic paradise was devastated by fire just after new year and over 100 houses lost! That was the worst loss of any town in this terrible event. We are yet to look around to see the extent of damage here.

    Hundreds of kilometres of pristine forests were destroyed in the fires and we drove through much of it yesterday. Beautiful trees and flora gone or damaged, though vast signs of regeneration evident in the eucalypts offer hope for the future. What can’t regenerate is millions  of unique Aussie birds and animals lost in the holocaust....very sad! The news coverage cannot properly convey the scale of the devastation adequately. It’s immense!

    Yesterday I was fitted with new hearing aids after a wait of 5 years. That’s the frequency the government requires for replacements.

    Not being able to hear has been hell for me and those around me! My audiologist and equipment supplier elected to cover the $4,000 gap between my entitlement and what I actually need. So far the results are fantastic and I see my life turning around,

    We had a small dinner party last night in a small area and I heard pretty much everything that was said to me, and much of what wasn’t!

    How many of you have trouble when the background noise goes up? In the end it was like I was isolated, but hopefully not any more! 2020 looks like it’s getting better and better!

    Look after your ears guys as being deaf is horrible!

    Any background noise sounds like I'm sitting with a bunch of Chinese people. Sitting in cabless tractors of old,concerts,guns and lancing eardrums to relieve pressure of ear infections screwed up my hearing forever.  Yes take care of those ears gentlemen,because it sucks not to hear.

  14. 21 minutes ago, jdgm said:

    Plenty more rain here in England.  I got drenched today.

    I bought new spark plugs for my old Skoda and fitted them. I had to buy new H/T leads about a month ago, thought that would fix the problem;  ignored the golden rule that you must change the plugs, kept misfiring on no.2,  so finally did that today.  I haven't done any work on cars/engines for decades - not since the demise of the distributor! -  so I was lucky my plug socket fitted and I got the right spark plugs.  To make sure,  I did what I always do; took one out and took it to the shop with me.  

    All went well and car started up perfectly immediately, but I couldn't get the electronic engine management light to go off.  I drove around enough to make sure it was all running ok....then came in and googled about the warning light and found you can fix it dead easy - turn the little mileometer stick thingy to the left while starting up and it resets it!  Brilliant and saved at least £60+  which is the least a garage might charge for resetting it.  That really made my day.  All I have left to replace now is the ignition coil pack,  have  that on order but think car's running good  now anyway. [thumbup]

    Who else remembers gapping points with a set of feeler gauges then?


    Still have a few tractors that have magnetos and distributors that need adjustment. Model A international,Model B International and a propane powered 930 case. Most of the other that were points I changed over to electronic ignition kit you can buy. Pertronix I think is the name of the kit. Don't you just love the Internet when you need to know something?

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