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Mr. Gibson

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Posts posted by Mr. Gibson

  1. 1525987545[/url]' post='1934548']

    Farmer's breakfast?


    I like a good sausage sarnie*; got some sausages in the fridge.


    *Nearest British thing to a hot dog:

    2 thick slices of the freshest white bread you can get, buttered

    Grilled/fried pork sausage, sliced

    Tomato sauce/mustard/brown sauce/relish/whatever


    Put sausage on 1 slice of bread, slather with choice of sauce etc

    2nd slice of bread on top.

    Eat at once while hot.


    Bacon optional but bacon sarnies are definitely another story.


    [thumbup] [thumbup] [biggrin] [biggrin]


    I'll have to try that,sounds very good




  2. 1520398577[/url]' post='1922072']

    One thing I do really miss working at Burlington Northern Railroad in Building 181 was way early an hour before the work shift started, two guys came in very early once a week and made the best sausage and gravy with biscuits I ever had. Guys chipped in cash for it and had a plate before work. We did do some fine meals down there! Each building did something different for the guys at different times so it was either Breakfast, Break Time or Lunch. Yeah, break was Polish Dogs with Sauerkraut and stuff to put on. Anyway, this morning was Oatmeal and lunch was a small hamburger with a salad and dinner was whole wheat spaghetti.


    Mara made it for me,it was excellent. Darn good cook for 12 years old.

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