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Mr. Gibson

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Posts posted by Mr. Gibson

  1. 1511811728[/url]' post='1895549']

    Because I suffer from bouts of vertigo, I don't have caffeine and and mostly drink decaf coffee and decaf green tea.


    If you recall what it's like some mornings when you get up and you feel fuzzy headed? I'm like that all day, whereas a cup of regular coffee clears my mind very quickly!


    The other day in town we were having breakfast a a hotel and there was no decaf so I chanced half a mug of brewed coffee. OMG it was magnificent!


    It was so good that I had another half a mug later. I felt fantastic that morning.


    I really miss that morning zing!


    Moderation is the key in everything,too bad I don't follow that rule. I'm weak.

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