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01GT eibach

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Posts posted by 01GT eibach

  1. Since someone else rose this old thread ... Stamping instead of signing??  Is it just me, or is that such a "only Jimmy Page ..." thing to do?  This thread was about his 2015 "Jimmy Page by Jimmy Page" book, but, evidently, he had a new book out late last year "Anthology by Jimmy Page".  For that recent "Anthology" book, there was a limited edition of 2500 that he did sign (which currently go for $1500).  For this most recent "Anthology" book, I guess he could not do more conventional book signings/stampings due to COVID. 

    2015 - Page with the stamp:


  2. 2 hours ago, Rabs said:

    Yeah it was ok.. For that sort of thing ...

    By Warrant standards, though, it was KILLER (LOL, LOL) -- As I stated above, I am not a big Warrant fan either, and am certainly not their (ahem) apologist.  Yeah, just because it was maybe the best thing they ever did, and a million times better than "Cherry Pie" ... the question has to be asked, "Well, so what?"  I have knitting needles that I would rather shove into my ears than listen to "Cherry Pie" or most of their other material ... or any Def Leppard from that era, especially "Pour Some Sugar On me" which is just as bad.  While I appreciated many of the "hair metal" guitar players technical proficiency, I really did not like the music very much.  I am proud of myself that -- looking back -- I never bothered to buy albums from or see in concert Skid Row, Ratt, Dokken, Winger, Motley Crue, or Warrant.  My wife loves Crue, so we went to go see them a few times years later in the early 2000's, and they can be very entertaining live depending on if Vince's voice is on or off.  But I learned to really appreciate Mick Mars; he is the trem master.  Now Van Halen or Randy Rhoads ... well, for me, that was a completely different story ... 



  3. I know it is not popular around here, but ... solid-state "effects processors" have really come a VERY long way and are becoming increasing more popular by the minute.  This is especially true in the last few years with their amp modelling, effects functionality, and super-slick user interfaces (e.g., Kemper, Helix. Boss, etc.).  Where maybe ten years ago, they may have had a "bunch of available effects", there was often issues with the control of them and possibly some questionable tones.  Some were good and usable, and some maybe not so much.  But, how things have changed on this front.  These days, guitar processors provide a HUGE selection of many different kinds of each type of effect, amp modelling capabilities, and the ability to control the "effects order".  One may possibly choose between 8 different wah pedals, 14 different delays, 6 different chorus pedals, etc. ... with the ability to move the effect in the order chain, and the ability to easily manipulate EACH of the effect's parameters of EACH selected effect ... all done via powerful and easy-to use computer or phone/tablet interfaces (or on the unit itself) -- all with the ability to be also controlled by well-designed floor-board controllers. 

    This powerful "guitar processor" technology has additionally filtered down to the available solid-state amps, too, with (just as examples) the Boss Katana and Line 6 Spider-V amp lines providing hugely powerful "guitar processing" along with tonally excellent amps, increasing their current line of amps' functionality by astronomical (not "minor evolutionary") strides.  Very interestingly, many "Line 6 haters" have unknowingly purchased Yamaha amps, not realizing that Yamaha owns Line 6 and heavily leverages Line 6's technology into Yamaha's amp lines, singing the praises of their awesome Yamaha amps all the way.   Additionally, Fender has opted to not enter the "guitar processor" market, but -- in addition to their well-known solid-state Mustang amp line -- instead has moved forward strongly with their "Tone Master" amp line, re-creating simple-to-use solid-state versions of their famous amp models (Deluxe Reverb, Twin Reverb, etc) with new modeled non-tube versions, providing cheaper, lighter, and higher functionality versions of their existing tube amps.  

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  4. Okay ... back to the Hall of Shame topic at hand:

    As many of you are already aware (sorry for that), I am the resident Supertramp apologist here ... a mantle I fully accept as they are strongly in my top-5 favorite bands, for sure.  But how on God's green earth can a band that has sold in the area of 80 million albums with tons of hits worldwide, along with always being named on "top-50 albums of all time" lists not even be in the conversation for the HoF???  It is mind boggling to me, and, honestly, quite infuriating.  Supertramp was an awesome mix between prog, straight-up rock, and pop with brilliant musicianship, singing, and songwriting -- and they did it over many albums, with huge success.  They are still being used in commercials currently.  The HoF has accepted Rush, Yes, and the Moody Blues.  Next should be Supertramp.  And Supertramp is not heavy metal ... you would think they would get in just cause of that!!!!


  5. I recently got a NOS 2018 LP Classic Player Plus.  I got it set up as best as I could, and it was close ... but still not perfect having a little string buzz here and there, etc.  As I tried to tweak it in, I would invariably make it worse or get it how I don't like it for playing.  I have never had anyone set up a guitar for me as I had always been able to get my guitars dialed in, being able to adjust all of the usual things.  But in this case, it just wasn't happening.  Fourth and ten, punt.  So I brought it in for a setup, and the repair guy explained/showed how the nut was not cut right, and I was trying to compensate for that with all of my other adjustments.  Anyway, so he fixed the nut, and then did a full excellent setup.  Now the guitar plays amazingly ... set up perfect like the rest of my guitars, that I was definitely not able to accomplish on this one.  My bottom line to you is that you may have a nut issue in addition to some other stuff going too.  Evidently, Gibson is notorious for incorrectly and poorly cut nuts (?).  Maybe it is 4th and ten for you too, and you just need to punt it along with the $75 for somebody to get it all fixed right.  I know for me that I can't put the '18 LP down now.  Best $75 I ever spent.



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  6. 1 hour ago, Rabs said:

    Cheers.. Didnt know any of that. From what I remember Cherry Pie was the first and then last song we ever had over this side of the pond from them..  A proper career killer that..

    If you have not heard it, check out the song Uncle Tom's Cabin ... great track.  I am not a huge Warrant fan, by any means.  But that is a solid rocking track.  I give credit where credit is due.

    Warrant - Uncle Tom's Cabin (Official Video) - YouTube

  7. Ironically, Warrant's Cherry Pie album was originally going to be called Uncle Tom's Cabin after the song of that name, and it was  -- maybe -- the best track they ever did.  As the album was soon to release, the record company applied pressure to Jani to write a song like Def Leppard's Pour Some Sugar On Me.  So, he did ... and he wrote Cherry Pie which was obviously a huge hit, but made Jani as he said "the Cherry Pie guy".  It ended up being a huge regret for him (... and all of us that ever heard the song).  

  8. 20 minutes ago, mihcmac said:

    What did Zeppelin mean by Squeeze My Lemon?

    I think you mean what did Robert Johnson mean by "squeeze my lemon" which is where Led Zep got that from?   

    In the late 1980s, Robert Plant in interviews referred to David Coverdale as "David Cover-version" based on Whitesnake's clear borrowing from Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love" for Whitesnake's "In the Still for the Night".  Kinda of ironic, though, considering Led Zep had to settle out of court with Willie Dixon for their plagiarism of his "You Need Love" for Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love".  Don't get me wrong ... I enjoy Led Zeppelin far more than Whitesnake.  Just pointing that out.

    • Thanks 1
  9. On 5/3/2021 at 1:02 PM, ghost_of_fl said:

    This is your answer.  If it feels good, sounds good, no buzz and action is where you like it - it's already set up just right.  

    👆  This is absolutely correct, except I need to add one thing ... the intonation.  Intonation to me is the most important thing, and it is not hard for an inexperienced player to adjust/check either.  Instead of me going into the details, just go to youtube and learn how to check/adjust it.  Also, if your intonation is already solid, that even more points to a strong likelihood it was set up by someone who knew what they are doing.  When it comes to intonation, it is just like John Lennon once said:  "It's eeeeeasyyyy  ..."

  10. 3 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    Is it just me or does anyone else loath Mark Agnessi's face?

    Yes, he is a goof, for sure.  But he is OUR goof.  Look, if he is anyway in part responsible (even if it is in the most diminutive way) for helping to resurrect Gibson from it asymptotic brush with the abyss back to greatness, then ... well ... he is okay with me.  

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    Is Eli eligible yet. I though a player has to wait 5 years after they retire to be eligible.

    Correct, Sgt Pepper.  Eli is not eligible for the HoF, and won't be for another FOUR years, which -- (guess what) -- makes Jim Plunkett the only HoF  ELIGIBLE quarterback with two SB wins that is not in the hall.  

    (Not only that, Eli's numbers are strong and he played for New York.  He will absolutely get in the HoF which makes the correction even dumber.  Someone owes me the handful of IQ points that I lost just reading it.)


  12. 5 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    Did Ken Stabler get into the Hockey Hall of Fame?  No, cause he played football not hockey ... 

    Stabler only recently got in, and Jim Plunkett is still the only 2-time-winning Super Bowl QB not in the HoF.  On a musical note, Randy Rhoads is getting a "musical excellence" this year.  I was thinking that RR should have got in (along with Zack) when Ozzy went in as a solo artist.  Oh, wait a minute, Ozzy is not in as a solo artist.  Really??  I was shocked.  Blizzard of Oz came out in early 1980 ... what a huge solo career he has had ... and not in?  Shameful, especially as it is also keeping Randy Rhoads out too.  

  13. 7 hours ago, SteveFord said:

    ... Once Peter Frampton left Humble Pie just wasn't the same ... Steve Marriott played all different models, I'd always associated him with a Les Paul Jr (double cutaway, non SG shape) but just last week I saw an old clip where he had an Epiphone Wiltshire, I think it was.

    I agree with you, but I will say that I think (just my opinion, now) the drop-off was more Marriott's drugging/drinking at that time more than the lack of Frampton.  Look, I am sure it is quite clear by my posts that I am NOT a Frampton fan, and am a huge Marriott fan (really? we couldn't tell...).  So, my posts here are throwing a damp rag on this thread which is (and rightfully so) celebrating Gibson's "Phenix" LPC re-issue which looks like an awesome guitar.  I will keep any more negative Frampton comments to myself, or at least not in this thread ... promise.

    As for Steve Marriott playing different non-Les Paul models, that is totally true.  Although he played Les Pauls quite a bit, the previous Les Paul pic and request for a Marriott LP signature just seemed to go with the theme of thread.  LOL



  14. 15 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I try putting that live album every now and again and it does nothing for me. I would rather hear him when he was in Humble Pie. Now Performance : Rockin' The Fillmore, that is a live monster.

    Frampton's solo work had at most a couple passable songs?  Frampton's material sucked when compared to Humble Pie, regardless of Frampton's huge commercial success.  Let's be honest  that Frampton had only a modicum more musicality back then than the other pretty "Tiger Beat" cover boys of the day (e.g., Shawn Cassidy, Bay City Rollers, Andy Gibb, etc.).  And Frampton's contribution to Humble Pie paled in comparison to Steve Marriott's.  Not to completely diminish Frampton's Humble Pie contribution to zero, but Humble Pie were  great FAR AND AWAY because of Steve Marriott, and only a small fractional due to Frampton.  For those that do not know, back in the mid-60s Steve Marriott was the leader of Small Faces (w/ ex-Who drummer Kenney Jones, btw) who were a bit of a  teeny-bopper band in their own right.  Marriott wanted to shed the teenybopper/commercial stuff so he left to form Humble Pie in the late 1960s with his old buddy Peter Frampton.  It was Marriott's musical vision, not Frampton.  Small Faces then got Rod Stewart & Ron Wood and became Faces which slowly evolved into being just "Rod Stewart" with the remnants of Faces being pushed out to pursue their own greener pastures.  Humble Pie was similar to Faces but ... in my opinion ... far better.  Humble Pie  played that hard gritty blues rock as good as anyone IMO and wrote lots of great songs.  They released tons of great material, and it is crime that Marriott and Humble Pie are not revered more than they are.  

    Frampton "Phenix" reissue???  Please ... But be sure to call when Gibson releases the Steve Marriott "signature" Les Paul !!!


  15. 8 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

    Neat trick, as The Monkees came out in '66 and  The Doors and Airplane didn't release any recordings until '67.  Except Airplane, but their earliest recording was with a different line-up than we know best.  And got no significant airplay.  

    Are you really going to tie Larsongs strictly to that exact moment in 1966 when the first episode aired??  Just "maybe" he was discussing the 1966-68 years which is the 'overall timeframe' that the Monkees came out?? 

  16. On 4/28/2021 at 2:41 PM, 'Scales said:

    Bass players might be more astute than you'd think - McCartney, Sting, Gene, Waters, dude from U2 - all right up their among the wealthiest rockers of all time.  They all pay more tax, and likely give more to charity,  than any of us here too, so good luck to 'em.

    Uhhh, except for Gene, don't all of those dudes (not by coincidence) live in Ireland which doesn't tax artists?  I know that is why Ringo calls Monaco home.

  17. 6 minutes ago, Larsongs said:

    Not much help on this one.. I was never a fan of their music... As for Collins I can smell it burning or whatever that was, I couldn’t change stations fast enough.....

    "I Can Smell It Burning" ???  It sounds like you had something burning when you heard that one .  LOL


  18. 11 hours ago, Revelation said:

    If it does not raise the value of the guitar that much I would keep it.

    Okay, fair enough.  What you can do is remove the "To Gleason" part.  Removing Sharpie is not that hard.  Just research it.  Not to state the obvious, but take your time and keep the "Keep Rockin'" part (no pun intended), and don't let the name-removal efforts bleed into anything else by mistake.  Removing your name will definitely increase the value  to buyers.  People not named Gleason don't want to hear "who is Gleason?" by  everyone the they show the guitar too.  Also, if there is a picture of Les signing that exact guitar, that would also go a LONG way too, especially if it is recognizable to the guitar and/or signature in the picture.  Even if your guitar is not recognizable in the pic, just having ANY picture of the "signing event" will help you here.  Additionally, do you have the ticket stub from that night?  Did you get a Les Paul guitar pick that night?  As mentioned previously, getting a COA that the signature is legit would also raise value.  Preferably this would be performed by someone super reputable, but the more reputable likely means the more cost to you for their COA -- and the subsequent increase in value with this new COA may not be offset by that added cost to get that COA.  So, another consideration is to do your own COA.  Your were there, you can provide all the written details of the event (and maybe even a picture too), and you can certify likely better than anyone that Les Paul signed it.  If you do go down the "self COA" route, just make sure that you do a quality job with it, make it look official, have the COA in some protective folder or frame, etc.  Also, definitely include anything from that night that you have (e.g., ticket stub, guitar pick, etc.) The more professional and "real" the COA looks, the better for you.  So, all put together with the name removal, having a picture of the event, and even a modest COA, you could "reasonably" ask for $2K over the guitar's otherwise fair-market value.  That would be top dollar, though, trying to get out every cent.  Without any of that, you are looking at likely a $500 adder, as is.  The thing that you DO have going for you is that you are selling a unique Custom.  In this market, that alone may be enough to get a buyer to overpay for the Les Paul autograph just because the guitar is so amazing.  How many LPC's are for sale with that beautiful finish?  I would say "not many ", and certainly not new ones as they are only making black and white currently.  We would be very interested in the final result, so can you please post whatever transpires in this forum, with pictures if applicable?  Again, though ... wow, awesome guitar, bro, and good luck!

  19. It was no secret that Les Paul would sign every Les Paul put in front of him at his Iridium gigs which were weekly.  Because of that there are a ton of Les Pauls with Les' signature on it along with "To (fill in name), Keep Rockin!"    Because there are so many out there, along with that guitar having your name on it (and not the ultimate buyer's name), the re-sale is not as much as one may think.  I would say add at most $500 to the value of the guitar, no more.  

    But ... why not just keep it??  (unless you REALLY need the money, of course).  It is clearly an AMAZING guitar, it has your name on it signed by Les Paul himself, and you have the memory of Les inscribing it right in front of you.  

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  20. Very cool -- While it may not be Rush or Yes (who I also love), I think the Monkees are great -- and it would be super fun and entertaining to see them.  They don't have any scheduled Colorado shows, so I will likely be missing it.  But they get the "big up check" from me!


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  21. On 5/6/2021 at 12:31 PM, Whitefang said:

    Gonna get flamed big time here I know, but I actually liked them better after Gabriel left.  Couldn't much stomach PG's solo work either ...

    I agree with you ... "The Lamb Lies Down ..." was the best with Peter, but there are still a couple of tracks even on that one that  when removed make the flow of the album much better.   Phil Collins' "pre-Duke" era was great: Trick of the Tale / Wind and Wuthering / And Then There Were Three / Seconds Out (live) ... all great.  


  22. Wow, very nice guitar.  Is that all mahogany with a maple cap?  Almost like a Fender Les Paul "ish" ... Fabulous, looks awesome!  While not MIA, it is also a big up-check (at least for me) to NOT be MIC.  Well done, sir!

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  23. Staying with the Telecaster theme ... if you got a bunch of money, then get a MIA Fender Telecaster.  If you don't got a "bunch", but got "some", then get a MIM Fender Telecaster.  If you don't got "some", but have a "little bit", then get a Squier Telecaster.  If don't got a "little bit", then I hear on-line chess can be fun ... 

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