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Knob removal 101


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They are a pressed fit on the post of the potentiometer. The nut underneath has nothing to do with removing the knobs. You can pull them off carefully with your fingers or you can get a knob puller from some place like Stew Mac. I'm sure some of the vets around here have other great tips about knob pulling.

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Lot's of people will jump in on this with the shoe string method and several others I personally use the knob puller from Stew Mac silly thing to buy many would say but I work on guitars a lot and hated breaking vintage knobs. The Stew-Mac tool works amazinly well and with the post adapter also pulls bridge posts. one of my favorite specialty tools and well worth the 40 bucks if you can save one good vintage knob. That said if your handy and have more time than money it would be a easy tool to make yourself.

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Or you could use the plastic bag handle method where you just slide the handles of a plastic bag (like from grocery stores) underneath and then pull up in an even/steady manner. That works for me and I don't have to spend a dime.

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All those methods usually work and well but I actually broke a knob on a 1960 Les Paul a few years ago using a cloth to try and lift the goldtop the knob cost me 85 dollars and it's still a non-original though year correct knob now, after that I bought the tool and it works every time and has never caused any damage.

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