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Sexto Rodriguez is in town tonight!


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I'm off to see the 'Sugarman' tonight.




We saw the film a few months ago and thought it fantastic.

Trying to find out a bit more about him we discovered he was due to play London's Hammersmith Apollo and got three tickets - it will be our 8-y-o daughter's first concert!


Has anyone here seen him before? How loud does he have the sound system? I'm slightly concerned about the wee thing's hearing.

We'll take some ear plugs for her just in case but hopefully he's not quite up there with Blue Oyster Cult - I could hardly hear for four days afterwards...


Any other London-based forumites going along?



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Well, we DID have a good time but with an odd twist;


The good news is that the show was very entertaining and quite surprising.

As someone who only knew his own compositions I didn't expect such a varied repertoire. It went from quite a few Jazz standards, through Rock'n'Roll staples to pop classics.

One unexpected highlight was his choice of 'Like A Rolling Stone' for one of the encore songs and his (solo) version of "I'm Gonna Live 'Til I Die" was truly great.

On which sombre note...


It became very clear towards the end of the evening that Rodriguez is beginning to feel his age - he'll be 71 next month.

By the end of the show he had to be helped off the stage; then helped back on for the (3-song) encore; then back off - all the while by two helpers acting as 'out-riggers'.

Yesterday, I read that he had to cancel two shows in Spain a couple of weeks ago in order for him to recuperate - apparently from exhaustion.


If you do get the chance to see him I'd advise you to grab it whilst you still can.



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