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New jazz hat and thumbpick!


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A recent trip to the North-East to see family and experience the way we used to live yielded two fine gifts. Mrs Mojoné bought me a rather jazzy pork-pie-***-trilby. Just perfect for indoor hat-wearing sessions. And the cousin who a few years back gave me his rather nice electric guitar handed me what turns out to be a Fred Kelly speed pick. Never could really handle a thumbpick before. This one is really easy to adapt to. Top gift! I still make plenty of mistakes with it, but it definitely takes me further in my quest to be heavier thumbed than Tony the Pony. Here's something to demonstrate the effect of combining hat and pick.


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Cheers Flatters. I will remember the sunblock tip. We are back in the UK-SR at the moment though. There is some mighty fine headwear in Hungary, but nothing like this. I will be taking it with me when we head back out there in a couple of weeks' time. Indoor and outdoor sun there is definitely more ferocious than it is here. Today I got a tan by standing in the English rain.

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Nice bit of 'man from Del Monte' / David Niven in 'paper tiger' combo action going on there, Mojo..... you need the linen suit though to get the whole vibe going.


At work at the minute so will check out the clip later, I used the same thumbpicks for a while then moved up to the more stnadard / less comfortable type which I now prefer. So you could say I used the same pick as my gateway into thumbpicks.

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I had a blarge at thumbpicks a while back and liked those little Fred Kelly ones but thats just because I was slightly less shite with them as the other ones.

I ran out of patience too quick though. If a man can use them and wear a hat like that at the same time it cant be that hard to do.


I had to trim mine a little bit though. To stop me tripping over strings .

Any tips mojo? Or anyone for that matter.

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I had a blarge at thumbpicks a while back and liked those little Fred Kelly ones but thats just because I was slightly less shite with them as the other ones.

I ran out of patience too quick though. If a man can use them and wear a hat like that at the same time it cant be that hard to do.


I had to trim mine a little bit though. To stop me tripping over strings .

Any tips mojo? Or anyone for that matter.


Perseverance is king!


Everybody's a but whiffy with one at the beginning, you have to sort of re-learn a few things... but much like deciding to learn a new language, you can't expect to be conversant after the 1st class. There's no short route, man, just use it as much as possible for ages without going back to the flatpicks and start working out how you played your old stuff but in this new style...


on the upside... you're free to embelish more, you can lob in almost flamenco style moves etc... plus of course the fingerpicking options open


On the downside... if you're needing some mumford-band style fury strumming, well, that's not quite as easy....


Stick with it though matey, play through the 'shite' phase and you'll come out the other side smiling and with a slightly weird looking thumb after a practice session.

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