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Cleaning up 490/498's


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Got the standard set in my Swamp Ash Studio. Play mostly blues, clean to dirty, nothing high gain. Find them a little too gaining, hard to clean up when I want to play some older stuff. Mostly through a DRRI or BJ. Any suggestions as to some replacements? 57's? Duncans? Others?

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Got the standard set in my Swamp Ash Studio. Play mostly blues, clean to dirty, nothing high gain. Find them a little too gaining, hard to clean up when I want to play some older stuff. Mostly through a DRRI or BJ. Any suggestions as to some replacements? 57's? Duncans? Others?


I'm going to ask the obvious and ask if you use the volume knobs and have possibly thought about lowering the pups a touch? If you do want to change out, Burstbucker Pro's are superb pups. As are Bare Knuckle Mules (sit between the 490.498 and bb pros imho).

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I'm going to ask the obvious and ask if you use the volume knobs and have possibly thought about lowering the pups a touch? If you do want to change out, Burstbucker Pro's are superb pups. As are Bare Knuckle Mules (sit between the 490.498 and bb pros imho).


Oh yes, this is a gigging guitar, vol and tone in constant use. Yeah have lower and raised and tweaked screws. One of the issues is I also play a Strat and a Tele which I can set my rig up for them but then the LP is just too hot for that setup live.

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Oh yes, this is a gigging guitar, vol and tone in constant use. Yeah have lower and raised and tweaked screws. One of the issues is I also play a Strat and a Tele which I can set my rig up for them but then the LP is just too hot for that setup live.


Ah yes, a Strat through a Blues Junior is a sound to behold, and I can see why you're finding the LP too hot in comparison. I've played a fair few guitars through a Blues Junior and found the vast majority of humbuckers too hot. The lower the output the better I found.


Does it have to be a humbucker replacement? I played a P90 equipped SG through a Blues Junior and it was positively sexual.

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Ah yes, a Strat through a Blues Junior is a sound to behold, and I can see why you're finding the LP too hot in comparison. I've played a fair few guitars through a Blues Junior and found the vast majority of humbuckers too hot. The lower the output the better I found.


Does it have to be a humbucker replacement? I played a P90 equipped SG through a Blues Junior and it was positively sexual.


Yeah not looking for anything drastic, got the LP because I was looking for a humbucker to gig with. Retired my ES-347.

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Open to aftermarket too, one suggestion were the Duncan 59's, any feedback on those?


1/2"? Just measured and without fretting 3mm on the neck 2.5mm on the neck, screws flush. Have had them lower almost flush with the rings but seemed to lose some clarity.

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