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AJ-220-S VS restring.


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I've had my 220 for a few months now and its had a fair old breaking in period, the high E has started to get stretched and a slight ringing has started so its time for a restring.

Before I ask which strings folks would recommend I would like to comment about this guitar. I've had about a dozen guitars over the years including some nice Yamaha's, Fender's etc but never in my life have I come across a guitar that sounds as good as this for the money. £120 including delivery and it simply is quite astonishing the sounds this thing makes. My friend has a Epi Hummingbird and a Texan and this thing is easily on a par with those two. Out of the box it needed a slight tweak on the truss rod to get it where I like it but it holds its tune fantastic after the first few weeks of breaking it in. Solid spruce top and its maturing nicely into the way and shape I play. The build quality is simply fantastic again on a par with guitars that cost three and four times as much.

I just don't know how they have produced this guitar at this price, its incredible to be honest. It is loud. the tones are fantastic and you don't have to work this guitar to get that sweet sound, you only have to caress it. People need to pick one of these up at a store and play it, you'll get the shock of your life.

OK back to the strings, I've emailed Epiphone and asked them what gauge the factory strings are because I want to maintain the sweet sound and changing gauge isn't in my plans but no reply yet, anyone done one of these and if so what do you recommend?

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Hi Maff. I have an AJ-220SCE and it came with light gauge .12 strings. I think they come stock with Gibson Masterbilt strings. But I now use Elixir Nanoweb strings on my 220 and love them. They come in two flavors like all strings do ..Elixir 80/20 Nanoweb lights .12-.53 for a lighter sweet clear bright sound......or...... Elixir Phosphor Bronze lights .12- .53.... for a slightly deeper darker thicker sound. Both are magnificent and last months of hard play. Your right, the 220 is truly a great guitar, it deserves the best strings, because it delivers the high quality tone. Elixirs need a break in of about 5 hours...then they will stabilize and play for months on end.

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I have the same guitar and love it. With all the weather changes in the Mid Atlantic region where I live I have had to change my strings as they have been going a bit flat but right now I just put some Martin Flex strings on to see how things go but have had some good luck with the Martin Marquis 80/20 in the light gauge.


This guitar is really sounded better as I play it


Cheers, Larry Harris

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  • 4 weeks later...

Changed the strings to D'Addario EJ16's light 12-53 PB's this morning. Sounds quite different, the mids and highs are a little more bright and the lows are still a lovely base but not quite as basey as the stock strings. Just jammed a few tunes out and i'm more than happy. This guitar is so so so sweet. Everyone should be made to have one by law. lol

Still can't believe they give these away for 120 quid.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK. I've had the D'Addario EJ16's on a couple of week and to be honest I'm beginning to not get on with them and they are coming off.

When I first put them on they sounded different but OK, a little more high end and less base but now the strings are bedding in and are a little more stretched they have developed an unwanted tinny sound on the D,G,B and high E which has taken away from the lovely natural sound of the AJ220.

They are too light and as soon as you hit any heavy strum patterns i'm getting unwanted harmonics and tone as well as buzzing. Feels like I need an heavier string than these.

I'm not paying Elixer prices so it looks like Gibson Masterbilts 12-53's are going back on because in all honesty they sounded the best.

If indeed they are the stock strings?

Anyone else got any ideas for a reasonable compromise?

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Just put the stock strings back on and she sounds wonderful again. lesson learned.


I still think Elixir are the best (IMHO) strings - they might cost 3 times as much but for me they last more than 3 times as long - although I only play for around 20 minutes a day. I had an AJ200 and really loved it - it had such Mojo and sounded like a guitar 10 times the price after a couple of years playing.

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