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Outrageous price for a VHS tape


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I'm not one to lowball someone who's got something for sale but I'm making an exception. There's a TV network called World Link TV, which I despise because for the most part they are anti-American and make no bones about it. There's a show on World Link TV called Spotlight. About 8-10 years ago(?) there was an episode called "Against my Will" which was about honor killings in Pakistan. It was a powerful film and it affected me deeply. I felt a deep sadness for these women that is about as uncomfortable and disquieting as anything I've ever felt.


I had hoped it would be aired again. No dice. I emailed the network. No plans to re-broadcast it, sorry. I went to the film's website, icarus films I think. They would sell me a VHS copy of the 50 minute program for $350.


$350 for a videotape.


They would RENT me a copy for $50 or $60 I think... at least at the time, not sure about now.


So two copies show up on ebay, ex-library copies. One buy it now for $240, another for $180. "Or best offer". These ebay sellers are on opposite ends of the country but funny thing is, their ebay auctions are nearly identical, font, layout, photos, etc. I offered one $20 and the other $35. Still too much for a VHS tape. They countered at $130 and $180.


Funny joke. They reference icarus's selling price of $350 as a means of justifying their horrific prices.


I ain't doing it. I'm hoping nobody else is stupid enough to pay their ransom and maybe once they relist it 3 or 4 times they'll come back to earth and take my offer.


I don't even really care about owning a copy, I just would like to see it again.

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I'm not one to lowball someone who's got something for sale but I'm making an exception. There's a TV network called World Link TV, which I despise because for the most part they are anti-American and make no bones about it. There's a show on World Link TV called Spotlight. About 8-10 years ago(?) there was an episode called "Against my Will" which was about honor killings in Pakistan. It was a powerful film and it affected me deeply. I felt a deep sadness for these women that is about as uncomfortable and disquieting as anything I've ever felt.


I had hoped it would be aired again. No dice. I emailed the network. No plans to re-broadcast it, sorry. I went to the film's website, icarus films I think. They would sell me a VHS copy of the 50 minute program for $350.


$350 for a videotape.


They would RENT me a copy for $50 or $60 I think... at least at the time, not sure about now.


So two copies show up on ebay, ex-library copies. One buy it now for $240, another for $180. "Or best offer". These ebay sellers are on opposite ends of the country but funny thing is, their ebay auctions are nearly identical, font, layout, photos, etc. I offered one $20 and the other $35. Still too much for a VHS tape. They countered at $130 and $180.


Funny joke. They reference icarus's selling price of $350 as a means of justifying their horrific prices.


I ain't doing it. I'm hoping nobody else is stupid enough to pay their ransom and maybe once they relist it 3 or 4 times they'll come back to earth and take my offer.


I don't even really care about owning a copy, I just would like to see it again.


Sounds like a lot of money for a bucketful of sadness. Maybe it's floating around somewhere out there on the ether, if you know what I mean.

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i have had similar experiences with amazon. they have some kind of pricing algorithm that prices according to how many copies are available. many times i have tried to buy movies that were not very popular, and in fact, aren't even that good, but were ridiculously priced. i'm talking about old kung-fu flicks and asian dramas. i collect them, and wanted to round out works done by specific actors. otherwise i wouldn't have bought them for more than $2. but when i see them listed over $300, i emailed them tht i thought i had found a mistake. they emailed me back telling me of their pricing scheme. when i pointed out that the seller had been sitting on those copies for quite a long time, they didn't seem to care. like 3 guys in the whole world liked "tiger crane fist" and then steve odekirk used it for kung-pow. next thing you know, the price skyrocketed for years. now it's still $99 a decade later. i just p2p it. i try to buy it legit, but if i encounter ridiculous prices i don't feel bad d/l'ng a copy.

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I bought Tiger and Crane Fist and Kung Pow: Enter the fist for a combined $20 or so off Amazon last year.


Tiger and Crane fist is almost the funnier of the two. "I'm a birdie, too!" was a lot more believable than the original sound effect.

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