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2015 Gibson Les Paul Special Double Cutaway..any owner?


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Right, sorry.


Yes I have tried these out in a shop but didnt take to them mostly due to the sound. I should have used my own gear rather than the nasty Marshal they had set up in the demo room.


However they did feel and handle like Les Pauls IMO.


I intend to take my amp+signal processor to the same shop to tryout a couple of other p90 guitars soon, so I might have a different take in a few days time. If I have time I might give one of these another go.

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That would be really appreciated [thumbup]


I'm GASing for a ES-335, but I always kept in mind the Special Double Cut: it looks cute to me, and it inspires me some good, rough rock-blues.


Shame on me for not having bought a 1996 one, cherry red, stopbar + tune o'matic bridge and cream binding.


Depending on the budget, I probably could buy one or another. I'd really appreciate you feelings and your thoughts about that Special [thumbup]


(I've been in Portsmouth few years ago, if I'm right there should be a nice music shop in the citycenter, aren't I? )

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That would be really appreciated [thumbup]


I'm GASing for a ES-335, but I always kept in mind the Special Double Cut: it looks cute to me, and it inspires me some good, rough rock-blues.


Shame on me for not having bought a 1996 one, cherry red, stopbar + tune o'matic bridge and cream binding.


Depending on the budget, I probably could buy one or another. I'd really appreciate you feelings and your thoughts about that Special [thumbup]


(I've been in Portsmouth few years ago, if I'm right there should be a nice music shop in the citycenter, aren't I? )


Things have changed a lot in just a few years in Pompey. There hasn't been a major music shop in the City Centre for ages.


There are two main guitar-biased music shops. One is PJ's Guitar Centre in Southsea (formerly in Copnor) and Nevada Music right outside the city in an industrial estate (Farlington). I will be going to Nevada.


The Special is very basic. It is a slab body similar to an LP Junior, but there is a certain minimalist no-nonsense appeal to it. Its a great deal cheaper than a ES-335.


uk prices: LP Special double cut est. £635 and the ES-335 est £2,200.

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OK I tried this today, together with the goldtop (see the other thread).


I took my own amp & signal processor so I could be sure how it sounds for me.


Now I had tried one of these before but used the shops own Marshal amp. I didnt like the sound then, and I was weary of the P90s. I also was not keen on the sound of the P90s on many youtube vids.


This time on my rig, the P90s sounded much nicer. The set up was pretty good, the handling was fine. I was even coping with the heel better.


Like the Goldtop, the action could have been a little lower. There was no hint of buzz anywhere and the neck was nicely finished. Again, like the goldtop, the rosewood fingerboard seemed to be a finer grade than usual.


It sounded much better than I expected. So my misgivings about the P90s were dispelled. These guitars do look cheap, but they dont play cheap. Where it counts its all good. I would not mind one of these. I did prefer the goldtop but that was more than twice the price.


The reports of the softness of the brass nut/zero fret does put me off. This is a shame because the idea is great. Had they made a steel one it would be a winner. What are Gibson replacing these with? Chrome?



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