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Help! Upgrading a SG PUP and need advice


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this is my 2nd post on here, so i'm not sure if this is the correct forum or folder i should be listing in, but if not, i apologize in advance.. as the kids say nowadays "my bad"


Ok, so i've had a gibson sg faded for sometime now. It's mostly been a at home guitar since i hate taking too and from practice and my bandmate's other band shares a rehearsal space with us, so i just use his les paul. I know it's a low cost gibson, and while it's been working fine and dandy (even the tuning machines) i don't get enough "UMPH" out of it. it's pretty week, then again im comparing it too a Les Paul so.... I wanted to get a little more distortion and sustain out of it rather than buying another pedal. I bought this from a friend for $200 so i can't complain. it's action is awesome, i love it, just not quite what i need it for. I forgot to mention i play metal in the vain of baroness/torche/his hero is gone kinda stuff. i need a bit more balls than what it has now.


hopefully someone can recommend a PUP that will help my guitar get the sustain and distortion i'm looking for.. it just sounds really dry at the moment.

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Get a seymour duncan Custom, gary Holt of exodus uses one on his Rico Jr, and it seems to be the One his is a mahogany guitar as well!


or try www.voodoopickups.com and get a PAF, the guy Peter Florance is easy to talk to if you find his phone number on the site, I'm using one on my lite ash strat (the '57 PAF) and it sounds NICE!

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  • 9 months later...

Before you go out and spend your money on new pickups, I suggest you first try raising your present pickups a little closer to the strings. You might be able to get a dirtier, more aggressive sound just by doing this. Most stock Gibson pickups are good quality and exceptionally versatile, and will accomodate a vast array of musical styles. I have the stock Burstbucker Pros in my Les Paul Standard LE and they kick some serious *** whether I'm playing a classic rock tune, blues or my favorite,...heavy metal ! However, if you decide you absolutely must change your pups, Seymour Duncan is good as is DiMarzio and EMG. But for me personally, I prefer to keep my Gibson pure Gibson so I would recommend that you try a set of Gibson Dirty Fingers pickups. A friend of mine has a set in his SG Standard and they scream like a freakin' banshee ! Just my opinion...

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of Gibson Dirty Fingers pickups. A friend of mine has a set in his SG Standard and they scream like a freakin' banshee ! Just my opinion...


Amen to that!...They are powerful.

I think thats the solution. More powerful pups with maybe a slight boost on the front end...ie Tubescreamer.

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