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OC Guitar Show


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I took my old bandmate to the OC guitar show today and it was a blast. We saw lots of great guitars and amps and some deals that were really difficult to pass up.


For you Bonamassa fans, Joe was there with a booth showing some of his vintage Strats. I chatted with him for a minute and he was nice.


I only played a couple guitars because I didn't really want to "need" to spend a couple K. One was an old small body Gibson acoustic for $1,000. It felt nice but Gibson acoustics tend to not sound very good to my ears and this was no exception. Then we were chatting with a guy that we met and I tried out an old white Firebird. Not sure of the year but probly 60s. Through the danelectro/silvertone amp they had there, it sounded freakin amazing and had a perfect neck too. The sound was snappy and clear, almost like a Tele but a more bite. I could have spent all day with that little setup.


There was also a guy with a really nice selection of vintage effects. He had an Ampeg Scrambler, Ludwig Phase II, original Rangemaster, some Superfuzzes and Fuzzrites, etc. I chatted with him for a while and may bring some stuff to trade him tomorrow. Kinda want that Rangemaster


Anyway there were a lot of cool things that I didn't take photos of but I snapped a few for you guys




















This Trump guitar was priced $1,000,000 OBO xD

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