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Flat pick find.


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Just a quick tale here, as I know most everyone here is all settled in with their plectrum choice. With my new Guild M20 came a pretty pick that just so happened was the best performer on that now re-sold guitar. In fact, I noticed it also gave me the perfect blend of sharp and mute on all of my small bods. I figured it was Guild's choice, a conscious decision from their acoustic test rooms, being the naive idiot I sometimes am. Not so, Einstein! Just a choice of the dealer who threw it in as candy. I love it though, and didn't share with the guy who bought the guitar. I found the pick being sold on Ebay, made in (of course) China. Nevertheless, at .71 mm it is the best all 'round tool for my guitars. Inexpensive, so here's the link if anyone out there is looking to fine tune their tone or just needs a change.




Other colors are available, I see.

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Celluloid picks have been around a long time and for years they were my go to pick. In the past ten or fifteen years there are many other materials that have become available and the get all of the attention. Not a bad pick and you can buy about 100 of them for less than price of one Blue Chop or other boutique pick. I know other guitarists who use the exclusively. I do however require a heavier pick than you do.

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