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Could u plz identify this Gibson acoustic??


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yesterday i popped in to my local Gibson store, and found some interesting stuff..

here are the photos from their website..

I`ve never ever seen these kinda` guitars, pls could u tell me the model numbers?





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I have never seen any of those models before. That, combined with the shonky looking square internal labels in the top two, the wrong bridge shape of the middle one and the odd case of the bottom one are screaming "FAKE!!" at me as loud as can be. Do you have a website link?

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The photos are hosted on a Hungarian website (right click - properties) but the one in front of the mag wheel reeks of Calcutta.


My brother's been to Calcutta. He could tell you what causes the reek. Too ooky to discuss here.. let's just say... they could use a few public toilets... both Womens' and Mens'. Saw it happenn right there in the middle of the sidewalk...,. and it wasn't a man what done it! O:)

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Careful with the stereotyping' date=' I've also been to Calcutta (on business) and found it to be a very colourful and unique place (if a little busy). I've also seen a man puking black tar like liquid into a public bin in Chicago...[/quote']


And that my deadly greatful friend is why I stay out of Chicargo... and Calcutta.


No stereotyping here. It really happened.

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I know what you saying, just, I always feel bad calling a place out as a **** hole, even if that's really the case, guess I feel sorry for the people who live there. Strangely enough the only other place I've seen a tramp throwing up black stuff was in Darwin in Australia...


Worst and most disgusting city I've been to? Well that would have to be London, and I lived there for neigh on 5 years.

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