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That's very cool, I'm going to have to get in there and read through it. Thanks for the link, Subu.


Along the same lines is this link, which has 6 little videos of Gillian Welch discussing the importance of the Carter family and how Maybelle played Wildwood Flower (video 5).


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There are a lot of stores selling a slews of guitars and banjos and mandolins. They need to convince a LOT of people that they need a guitar. You do not see big retail stores called "Flute center" nor do you see hordes of people (kids, women, old guys) rushing to buy trombones. The guitar market is a different market -- the widest selection of options (acoustic through electric) and $100 to $10,000 per each. You see people writing cheks for $2500 to $4000 just to give Johnny a graduation present. I often wonder WHERE all those guitars go? (the garage?) (if they are sitting in a hot garage or attic then they are junk in less than a year). So there are a lot of publications about "how easy it is to play guitar." (and it is easy to play a few chords). It is a remarkable phenomenon -- you do not see 40 floutists sitting in a song circle playing flute songs. (circles for fiddle, guitar, mandolin, banjo ). You do not see the same demand for keyboards, band instruments, harps, or even harmonicas. What happens to all of them? (less than 10% are not being played)

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