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Gibson String Revisit (StewMac related)


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There was recently an article here concerning Gibson now not offering their old Masterbuilt non-coated strings.  Thanks to Murph seems those of us who are not fans of coated strings and liked the older Masterbuilt's now know where to go, GHS.  I did happen to notice as I was looking at the Stewmac web site that they now have both the 80/20 and PB's listed.  May just be they bought up the remaining stock and once that is gone, that's it.  Just an FYI.

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Was basing that information on a previous post that Murph started.  The information sounded very compelling and yes the gauge difference was noted.  Unless Gibson comes out and states that company (fill in the blank) made them we may never be able to say for certain.  I thought it was interesting that on the StewMac site they stated and I am paraphrasing that the strings are made in America under Gibson supervision.

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4 minutes ago, J185cat said:

 I thought it was interesting that on the StewMac site they stated and I am paraphrasing that the strings are made in America under Gibson supervision.

Indeed, , , and the topic remains a mystery. See the revived 2017 thread fx. There we have the old D'Addario rumor glowing. . 

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If you read the entire thread, and every link in it's entirety, you'll see that GHS actually SAYs that the strings are designed by Gibson and not just their regular sets re-branded. The center core wire is a touch different as well.

And I don't see any notice of Gibson owing D'Addario any money during the crisis, just GHS.

I'm convinced by all of the evidence that the Masterbuilts were indeed made by GHS.

Feel free to reach your own conclusions.

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I agree with you Murph.  I have been using D'Addarios forever but if I were to remove a set of Gibson MB's and replace them with EJ16's the sound is very different.   They are not the same string.   Really didn't mean to get this whole thing started again, just wanted to let readers know the Gibson branded MB's were available at Stewmac which I thought was interesting.  

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