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Just a little accident yesterday.


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15 hours ago, kidblast said:

sounds like you dodged a bullet, that could have gone south real fast.  be careful bud!


Thanks, I now have 2 step ladders, one in the basement, Very wide steps to stand on while painting and one in the garage, Next spring, I plan on getting a good fiberglass ladder for going up on the roof for blowing off the tree debris with a blow vac.  Unless our son comes over and does that part like he said he would.  

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9 hours ago, Retired said:

 Next spring, I plan on getting a good fiberglass ladder for going up on the roof for blowing off the tree debris with a blow vac.  Unless our son comes over and does that part like he said he would.  

If the son route doesn't work, you should just hire someone to do it.  As your new staples are proving, we don't bounce like we used to.

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4 hours ago, uncle fester said:

If the son route doesn't work, you should just hire someone to do it.  As your new staples are proving, we don't bounce like we used to.

I hear you, I know Deb hates me going up on the roof, and I guess one day, I will have to stop doing it also. I'm finding out that older age certainly has its limitations. I hate it. My dad fell off the roof twice when he was alive and spent  a long spell in the hospital messing up his back. I used to do roofing when I was younger so I am used to going up there while I still can. There are 2 parts of our roof I hate and I do those from a ladder on the ground. 

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