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I just wanted to enquire: Why does it seem that the US sold model Les Paul guitars seem to be brittle and break especially in the neck and head-stock? Why do European sold models seem to be better built than American models? This is just an observation and in no way a fact. The reason why I ask is because, if I was going to invest money in the best guitar I could get I would want to know that it wasn't so fragile that I would constantly worry and could tolerate a good bit of wear and tear. 

Thanks, Eric Hockenberry

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On 5/23/2021 at 1:04 PM, EricH said:

I just wanted to enquire: Why does it seem that the US sold model Les Paul guitars seem to be brittle and break especially in the neck and head-stock? Why do European sold models seem to be better built than American models? This is just an observation and in no way a fact. The reason why I ask is because, if I was going to invest money in the best guitar I could get I would want to know that it wasn't so fragile that I would constantly worry and could tolerate a good bit of wear and tear. 

Thanks, Eric Hockenberry

Never knew the ones that shipped to Europe don't break in the headstock as much as the ones that stay in the USA.

And where are you getting these headstock breakage facts for Gibson's staying in the USA vs ones shipping to Europe?

I've owned about 20+ Gibson's and all have stayed in the USA and none of the headstocks ever broke.

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The guitars are of the same construction, whether they end up sold here in the USA, or exported to Europe. 

I think it's just that the Europeans are a little more careful with their guitars, while we Americans tend to be more cavalier in the handling of our instruments. 

Real life examples:

Fritz:  So, now the stage is nearly set up for ze show. It's time to un-case the guitars and check the tuning. 
Helmut: Ja, I agree. We must be careful about it, wie immer. These guitars, they cost us many Euros. 
Fritz: Indeed. I am putting on ze white cotton gloves now. Will you assist me, und den so I will assist you wiss yours. 
Helmut: Jawohl. I must first uncase my Bosendorfer guitar tuner. It is precise to 0.012 Mhz at Standard Tuning A 440. 
Fritz: In all things, precision. 
Helmut: Ja, natürlich!
Joe Mac: Hey, hand me another beer, this load-in and set-up is thirsty work. 
Billy Bob: You got that right. (pops open a couple of ice-cold Bud Lite beers). You wanna tune up the guitars before the first set?
Joe Mac: What fer? We're playing Lynyrd Skynyrd music, not dad-gum Tchaikovsky.
Billy Bob: That's a good point right there!  Say, wanna see my new thing?
Joe Mac: What new thing?
Billy Bob: I can play the guitar, in between "Big wheels keep on turnin'" and "carry me home to see my kin," I swing the guitar around behind my back, like Steve Vai in that dang old Yankee Rose video!
Joe Mac: The **** you say!!  What if the strap comes undone? Yer guitar would go sailin', and you'd break the head clean off it!
Billy Bob: Aw, what's the odds of that happenin'??

Now, as for myself, I have owned quite a few Gibsons over the years (like SGT Pepper), and I have never once broken a headstock. 

But the day is young yet. 


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