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Is there a softwar pachage what helps bands do a stage set up?


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Temp lets for stage design. This midht stat getting to a mor naturaly mode fro when we start splay live. Andy suggestions?


If you've got any old fog ers or some lasers and other cool stuff, and you don't use they anymore I might be interested in buying them at a reasonable rate.


A good stage manager might do the trick... I do special FX, lighting, visuals.....etc in

. Lasers have come way down in price.... Now you can get a small laser for cheap money, 1/4 o 1/2 watt. You can mst likely find a laser for around $200 or $300. If you want a 3/4 or 1 watt laser your looking at $800 or $1000. I have a 5 watt laser at my club that will set you back about $25,000 or $30,000 big ones. Smoke machines are cheap too around $250 or $300. They tend to burn out fast though so makes sure you get a guarantee....


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