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Favorite John Wayne movie???

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i liked john wayne in that movie "The Longest Day" about D-Day...even though it wasnt a western and even though it had a pretty outstanding ensemble cast...(Sean Connery as a bag-pipe player for example)


i thought he was pretty badass!


when it comes to westerns the spaghetti variety are still my favorite by far...even more so than those with The Duke...sorry to say

Every 10 years or so a "guy movie" comes around that any man with SAG card wants in on, no matter how small the part. Saving Private Ryan is another that comes to mind. It's a guy thing. If y ou're a gal, you wouldn't understand.


I too have a soft spot in my heart for Clint Eastwood's Spag. Westerns, especially the 'man with no name' movies.



Ironically... or maybe not... Longest Day and Saving Private Ryan, share a story line.

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The Sons of Katie Elder



Did you know there really was a Katie Elder? Had nothing to do with the movie's character. She was Doc Holliday's common law wife / mistress. And that ain't half her story.

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