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Les Paul coming home after 10 years?


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Just got off the phone with an old friend of mine in Texas.

He's thinking about selling one of his Les Pauls.


One of them is a 1981 Custom in Tobacco Burst that he bought new.

The other is a 1993 Ebony Standard he bought from me in 1999 while I was drowning in divorce court.


Needless to say, his Custom is going nowhere but he doesn't play the Standard.

His son gigged with it for awhile, it's showing a little wear but I would gladly take it back - especially for the same $700!!!


He's even considering taking my Fender Blues Junior tube amp as a partial trade.


Here's the rub....

He's the most fickle, wishy-washy, procrastinating fxcker I've ever met.

I tried to talk him into selling it back to me in 2001 and he didn't wanna part with it then.

It's taken him this long to change his mind, mainly because he wants to buy a new deer rifle - or an acoustic.

(Gotta love Texas!)


Anyhow, we went thru divorces together, saw a million club shows together, went to several big concerts together...

He had a speed shop, so I bought all my stuff thru him and we drag raced together for 3 years.

We have parallel musical tastes for harder Blues and southern rock.

Been friends over 20 years now and I still can't read his mind, the enigmatic bastard that he is.

Worse than a woman - or even a cat!



So I might be getting one of my old Les Pauls back......

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Well here's hoping, brother. I went through the same thing with a Rickenbacker bass that I bought just out of high school. My savings was drying up fast, and I was trying to get through school in a town with zero jobs, unless I worked swing shift at the asphalt plant. I couldn't find anything that would let me get through school and work at the same time, so I sold the bass to a friend in Minneapolis. He ended up going through a few rough spells a few years back, but every time he wanted to sell it, I didn't have money, and vice versa. It sounds dickish, but I'm hoping one of those spells comes up soon - he has a tendency to get himself in trouble a lot, and I know my wife is sick of me talking about the damn thing every time I reminisce. So good luck to ya!

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If they do, I may move back!!!





Ain't you got a good extra deer rifle to trade him ?

Well' date=' that's a very astute observation - but no.


I have a policy of not selling any of my guns or guitars.

Oh, I let one go here and there but I'm confident I won't miss them when I do.


The divorce I speak of reinforced that for me after I unloaded EVERYTHING to stay alive, trucks, guns [i']and[/i] guitars.....




I sold my last AK-47 to my neighbor down the road several months ago (when Obama drove the prices up) but I'll not be parting with any of my other personal firearms. As a dealer, however, I can get him anything he wants....



He has his eye on a particular Remington 700 in .308 with a big badass scope on it - currently owned by a friend there.

Also found a used acoustic he likes, an early seventies Guild that looks a little rough but is dirt cheap.


It's all on him now.

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If they do' date=' I may move back!!!



Yeah me too! I love being back home but I do miss a lot of things about Texas. Quick gun story for you. My buddy in Texas heard this rustling sound from his crawl space every night. He decides he's going to shoot it but when he went down there with a light, it always managed to hide from him. So, he goes and buys a night vision rifle scope (they ain't cheap as I'm sure you know!). So he gets down there one night and finally sees the critter. Turns out it was a little mouse and he didn't have the heart to shoot it. Only in Texas...

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