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Right! What's an ark?


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Yeah I remember one of his about snakes on the floor when he was a kid or something.... I forget what exactly it was about but it was funny as hell....


It was how his parents kept him from crawling outta his crib. They told him there were snakes under his bed. He'd call out "C'mon, give me a little snakey lick" to see if he could spot them. Good ol' fashioned stuff.

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I've got it on LP!


My favorite Coz stories was the one where they found a monster statue, hid it a few floors up a stairwell in an apartment building, took out all the light bulbs and put in one pink one. They were so successful and scaring the shinola out of one friend, the determined the next victim would be "Fat Albert". Heh, heh... I won't spoil the plot, unless someone asks.

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