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Got your lines?


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So the Euro Millions jackpot tonight is 110 million pounds... Have you ladies bought any lines?


Do you think £110 million would be a suitable cure for GAS??


I will let you know (If I win)

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Believe it or not - there is NO tax on the win.....

.....and I would be happy to pay the taxes on the interest it then generates, because the remainder would buy a lot of happiness for a lot of people. For starters, Gibson forumites would all be invited to choose a model from the current Gibson range to be delivered to them as a gift, with the same ammount going to the charity of their choice. So cross fingers I win the pot. I promise you will know if I do - the strange PM's will be a give-away (in more ways than one!).

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that translates to like 200 million dollars' date=' holy ****

wish i could paticipate...

if you win flight, buy me a les paul, preferably tobaccoburst 80's standard... please?



I'll buy ya an original 59 if I win... That's a promise so start praying for me!!

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is that a "over the pond" kind of deal?

In the USA' date=' i have heard of people paying tax on their lottery wins, and that sometimes it takes almost half of their winnngs.......



maybe i am way outta wack w/ this hearsay![/quote']


if you left it in the bank you would get about £40.000 per day in interest


And that's why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer!

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if you left it in the bank you would get about £40.000 per day in interest


And that's why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer!

What do you mean? They "earn" all that interest money =D>
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Well..... congrats to the Spanish person who won it - £113million, wow.


Sorry folks - wasn't me, so no guitar and charity gifts.


I hope they are wise with it, and I sincerely hope

it brings them and theirs some good stuff.

Like health and happiness.

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