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milod Rocks!


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Right on Milod!

Thank you for gracing us with your insight and observations. There's a few older cats on here that are a pleasure to interact with, you're in a class with but a handful of contemporaries.


Truly an asset to the forum, I appreciate your posts.

I know many have trouble believing it - with my bare-fisted approach to some threads - but I relish the wisdom available simply for the asking when conversing with our elders.



Oh, and I've wanted to see the Dakotas for a couple decades.

The wife and I will be in your neck of the woods someday, soaking up the scenery and history.

Her folks have a ranch just up Highway 83 in Manitoba, I've never been there.

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Well, fyi too, I just got finished "shooting" the Center of the Nation monument and a ribbon cutting for an $800,000 4-mile bike and walking path. Beeeeyoutiful weather even if a little chilly.


Besides being the literal geographical center of the U.S., we're roughly an hour and a half from Devils Tower (movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind") and Mount Rushmore.


This July 2, 3 and 4 is the 90th Black Hills Roundup - pro rodeos, art, concerts, fireworks and the longest parade in the region over the 4th.


On the other hand, the anti freedom folks have had their way and made smoking even in saloons illegal as of July 1.


So... I dunno. It will be interesting to see if that's sidestepped too. In Prohibition days there was "punch" in more than a few establishments during the Roundup.


Political conservatives may dislike FDR for some things, but don't forget he pushed hard to end prohibition. That had a great effect on professional musicmaking - perhaps not as much as radio and phonographs, but still... for those of us in that era playing music for money? A pretty big deal and they didn't have to sneak a jug under the table.


Music history in a sense: The Roundup rodeo activities had what I believe is the first rodeo with an electric (tube type obviously) public address system. It's the same outfit as Silent Cal had at his inauguration, I recall off the top of my head. In order to make it work, they had several technicians brought on the train with the outfit.


Hmmmm. Roadies even back then...

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