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Upgrade my 339 bridge pickup?


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I've never played a Classic +.


But I love the '57's in my 339. I think they need the covers, but that's just me. My SG has uncovered, and one's a cream/black and I like the way it looks.


But I'm usually standing behind it................

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As a general principle, I would not expect a higher output pickup to have more treble. There actually is a sacrifice in "clarity," in other words definition from the attack of the note and the harmonics, which is the cost you pay for bigger sound in the midrange and overall punch for the amp to drive a little more. Whether the pickup is overwound, or has a stronger magnet, or is closer to the strings, these are the tradeoffs for higher output.


Why don't you try just taking the covers off the bridge pickup, cleaning up the potting wax a little, and see how you like it that way? Removing the covers is supposed to open up the sound and make it a little brighter. Clapton was emphatic about it, and Page didn't do to bad, either.

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As a general principle' date=' I would not expect a higher output pickup to have more treble. There actually is a sacrifice in "clarity," in other words definition from the attack of the note and the harmonics, which is the cost you pay for bigger sound in the midrange and overall punch for the amp to drive a little more. Whether the pickup is overwound, or has a stronger magnet, or is closer to the strings, these are the tradeoffs for higher output.


Why don't you try just taking the covers off the bridge pickup, cleaning up the potting wax a little, and see how you like it that way? Removing the covers is supposed to open up the sound and make it a little brighter. Clapton was emphatic about it, and Page didn't do to bad, either. [/quote'] Not a bad idea at all, I actually had considered removing the cover on the bridge pickup, but primarily for cosmetic reasons. I wanted to offset the look of the guitar a little,but if adds to the tonal difference too, it's a win-win.

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