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Who gets your gear?


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When you leave this earthly plain, have you planned for anyone to get your stuff?


I think about that from time to time, and have begun to seriously consider who gets what.


My brother in law died about 12 years ago, suddenly in an auto crash. He had told me a few times while we were partying together, that he wanted me to have his gear if something happened to him. His only request, was that if either of his daughters ever wanted to learn to play, that I would teach them.


Well, needless to say, he never put it in writing, so when he died, I got squat. He and my sister had split up, and his brothers and sisters distributed his belongings among themselves. Non of them played, so the stuff got sold off. (mid '60's Melody Maker, red w/ 2 pups, and a nice mid '60's Firebird w/mini hums, and two old Fender amps)


Every time I see a MM or Firebird, I think of him, and wish he'd put pen to paper before he'd died. His guitars would have stayed in the family, and been appreciated much more than the present owners ever could.

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I've told my wife and kids that if when I die the gear goes to the first child that can play the solo in "Stairway To Heaven" correctly and with meaning.


Since my daughter has no interest in playing a musical instrument I would guess the son will get it all. I do my very best to instill a since of responsibility in him when handling all instruments. He tends to swing his violin around in a reckless manner and use his bow as a walking stick. Even though the fiddle only cost a few hundred bucks the lessons learned now will translate to the LP Standard he will some day inherit.


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Im sorry to hear that Dynadude.


My brothers friend died not to long ago, My bros friends grandama gave my bro every musical thing he had (A LTD Viper, Crate GX-50, Kustom, Pedals, other misc) He is thinking about fixing up the viper and playing it again, I think it would be a good memorium.


I guess If I died later I would expect my bro to keep my Main Bass Rig and Number Bass, everything else doesn't matter.

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I really don't like to worry about death' date=' As a species we tend to think to much about death and live to little.


If all you think about is death than you are not living but merely existing.[/quote']


If all you think about is death, you've got serious issues. That's not the same as planning.


If you don't plan it out, you leave it in someone elses hands, and that is selfish and lazy.

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If all you think about is death' date=' you've got serious issues. That's not the same as planning.


If you don't plan it out, you leave it in someone elses hands, and that is selfish and lazy.



Death is spontaneous to plan it out is pointless, When i die i will become one with the earth and will have no worries for worldly things who ever needs a Guitar and a Amp when i am dead then mine is there for the taking.


I am to busy planning my means for survival the last thing i want to plan is death, The only thing i ever want when i am dead is for my tomb stone to read "He was just here a minute ago".

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I really don't like to worry about death' date=' As a species we tend to think to much about death and live to little.


If all you think about is death than you are not living but merely existing.[/quote']



If all you think about is "how can I act like a philosopher" on the gibson fourms then you got issues.

Fool on the hill, master of obvieous.



You can't change your destiny.

-Oedipus Rex

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If all you think about is "how can I act like a philosopher" on the gibson fourms then you got issues.

Fool on the hill' date=' master of obvieous.



You can't change your destiny.

-Oedipus Rex[/quote']


Don't criticize what you cant understand.


I have no need to act like a "Philosopher" on the Gibson forums but only expressing my world view.

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Death is just a part of living.


It's not something to hide from or deny. It's gonna happen, sure as you're reading this, and it's not really a bad thing.

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Death is just a part of living.


It's not something to hide from or deny. It's gonna happen' date=' sure as you're reading this, and it's not really a bad thing.[/quote']


To each his own, I was only expressing my feelings towards planning death.


If you want to plan your death then more power to you but for a guy like me it seems pretty pointless since i will no longer exist.

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I will leave the topic at that since some forum members feel the need to be antagonizing.



Pip Pip Cheerio.


One might also consider that at times the only way you get real response out of someone is to poke em a bit and they maybe your see their true colors. I for one am more interested in their thoughts then what they just read from a 1650 revised edition of a book. Or what they just saw on a cometary based new organization.

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What am I criticizing? You?


I enjoy a good fundamental talk' date=' but right now im talking about the current topic.

Please make one and we can go from there.[/quote']


You implied that all i think about is how to act like a philosopher on the Gibson forums when that is not true, I don't know if you were being pugnacious with that comment but i took it as a form of criticism and you also implied that someone with my way of thinking would have issues.

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One might also consider that at times the only way you get real response out of someone is to poke em a bit and they maybe your see their true colors. I for one am more interested in their thoughts then what they just read from a 1650 revised edition of a book. Or what they just saw on a cometary based new organization.


I gave my thoughts on the subject without the means of being pugnacious or antagonizing. (Well i hope so)

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You implied that all i think about is how to act like a philosopher on the Gibson forums when that is not true' date=' I don't know if you were being pugnacious with that comment but i took it as a form of criticism and you also implied that someone with my way of thinking would have issues.




None of the above


I don't know your thoughts or ideas, so i could'nt judge them.

How would you know if im criticizing you, if you don't know me?


Im a annoyed by your ability to state the obvieous of this world

that is all

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None of the above


I don't know your thoughts or ideas' date=' so i could'nt judge them.

How would you know if im criticizing you, if you don't know me?


Im a annoyed by your ability to state the obvieous of this world

that is all






Well then lets leave it at that.


Also not to be a spelling Nazi but it is spelled "Obvious" or was that obvious to you as well?

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Well then lets leave it at that.


Also not to be a spelling Nazi but it is spelled "Obvious" or was that obvious to you as well?


No it was, seems that you could understand what I was saying regardless of syntax or spelling error

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The fool on the hill


McCartney said of the song:

“ 'Fool on the Hill' was mine and I think I was writing about someone like Maharishi. His detractors called him a fool. Because of his giggle he wasn't taken too seriously ... I was sitting at the piano at my father's house in Liverpool hitting a D 6th chord, and I made up 'Fool on the Hill."



Is this the fool of which you've taken the Nick?

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