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I am so lucky I lived threw it...


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When I read the, I keep hearing people talk about a Leslie thread, it got me to thinking. Yeah I know, could be dangerous.... Anyway when I was growing up, working with bands and producing music and such just by being there and doing all that I learned so much about music, sounds, equipment....etc. When someone is looking for sounds on a synth and scrolling threw sound banks and looking at sound patches they will see names like; Rhodes, Wurlitzer, B3, Leslie, Clavinet....etc These names unless you used these instruments mean nothing. I know a clavinet is what Steveie Wonder used in the song Superstition, Rick Wakeman used a B3 in Round About with Yes, A Fender Rhodes piano has a very distinct warm electric piano sound as does a Wurlitzer but different. I guess the same applies to guitars and amps with all the modeling that is used today with such manufacturers like Line 6, Boss and their likes... So these sounds and names of sounds have real meaning. That's it I was just thinking out loud....

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I do feel fortunate to have lived through so much as a youngin..... I worked in a music store, (specialized in Pianos & Organs), so I was up close and personal with B3's, Leslies, etc. Add to that playing gigs with the biggest names in the business back in the mid 60's I learned much. Add to that that my BIL is a Sound Engineer, (Meyer Sound & Dolby), I'm exposed to new technology too. I just wish I had room to store every piece of sound equipment I've been offered!



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