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1975 Telecaster Value???

Mark Lee

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I have a black Fender Telecaster signed by Billie Joe of Green Day. The only mod on the guitar was that the original owner (I am the third owner) installed a mid 60's - early 70's chrome gibson humbucker to replicate the guitars Keith Richards played. Looking under the pickguard, the body is Alder. The guitar weighs in at 8.5 pounds. Any ideas on value?

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I'm no expert, but the guitar is not original. It has been modded.

I've seen the '83 Fender California Fat Telecaster, in red or sunburst, sell for right about that price.

The autograph is nice, but who plays guitars with autographs on them?

Eventually they fade away.

Billy Jo is no Kieth Richards.

If it was Keith Richards, I'm sure the guitar would fetch a higher price.

Ask this question on the TDPRI Telecaster Forum. There's a lot of good Tele guys there.


Telecaster Forum

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Thanks again. Very usefull info. The autograph is on the back of the headstock so it has minimal impact on the overall appearance of the guitar. I should probably mention that the guitar has a pearloid pickguard. I am pretty sure that it's the original because the space for the humbucker was hand cut. Ive never seen another Telecaster from the 70s apart from a custom shop guitar with the same pickguard. Any thoughts?

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I'd say 2200.00 to 2600.00 on that Tele


with no value on the Signature.


The Gibson Pickup could be worth 200 on up, Alone


and should be pulled.


A correct period one should be sought-out and Installed.


Do you have the factory pickup and bridge/Ashtray cover?

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I have found a tele bridge pickup on ebay from 73 going for 600. The bridge pickup in mine is definately original. Perhaps the original quote of $800 was a bit conservative?


"Going for" is not always the same as "got" - I think it would be pretty difficult to predict what your guitar might sell for based solely on the words provided thus far - and so I wouldn't venture a guess myself.


Good luck with it - it's worth exactly what someone will pay you for it.

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