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i'm dreaming of an.....


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It's always hard to say with pictures--but there is a decent amount of string angle over the saddle. You could ask for a measurement at the 12th fret.


Personally, whenever I consider an Ebay guitar, I just assume that a neck set is required and then add in another $150-200 for misc repairs--new nut, loose braces etc. Keeps it all real.

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Hey Jeff...


It looks to have more saddle left than the one I purchased did back when I got it. Mine had the high e string pretty much laying flat across the actual bridge! It surely needed a reset. This one has much more saddle showing but the action does look high around the 12th fret and higher. I too would ask for a measurement. If you want me too, I can measure mine now that the neck reset is done. It has nice low action and plays like a dream where it is right now.


Of course you could leave it and use it for slide if the action is a bit high now.


I can guarentee that that price will skyrocket before the end of the auction.

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Having reviewed the photographs in exhibit A, your honor, my money is on it being time for another neck re-set, if you take my meaning.


I like his answer to the person who just wants to buy it now. "Heck no ya can't buy it now! I'd never know how much I might have got for it!" seems to be the underlying meaning. Always have to admire someone who has no idea how much they want for something aside from the word "more".


I'm going to suggest that if you seriously want an LG, you look for one that's for sale by a reputable music store on Gbase, where you won't need to guess whether it needs a neck re-set right out of the chute or not. In general, LG's don't tend to be that expensive. Look here:


Gibson LG's


There's 40 of 'em! Surely there's one in there that doesn't require guessing. The one on e-bay may be listed at $89 right now, but it also says "reserve not met" and I can guarantee that it will be bid up to places I wouldn't go at the end, and just when you think you've nailed it down and can start taking it apart to fix it, a bidding robot will shoot in at the last second and snatch it right out of your hands anyway!


Evil-bay. What more could you ask for? Right down to the last second bidbots! It's the greatest monument to what's wrong with the human race that could have ever been erected. Artistry!





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