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Puppy advice


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Thanks again everyone for the great advice. So far, so good. We are taking Mochi (the puppy) out more often and that has almost eliminated accidents, although she occasionally does little tiny pees on the floor when excited. I wonder if that is standard female bladder control? Man, crate training is the way to go. Have no idea what we would have done without it. And in the crate she sleeps through the night.


I am trying to coax her into more walking. Not going too well. My wife gets Mochi to chase her all around the house so she is getting exercise. I also need to talk to my wife's friend that takes Mochi out during the late afternoon. She mentioned walking in a note, but I need to get clarification if it is walking or just taking the puppy out to do her business. And with walking I'll need to be extra careful about contact with other dogs since she does not have all vaccinations. Follow up checkup with the vet is next month.


RE: Pictures. I'll try to get one posted. Puppies move around so much it is hard to get a clean shot.

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Walking your dog is possibly the best way for you to bond with the dog. If you are one leading - this will enforce you as the pack leader. As mentioned, dogs normally are pack animals and for them to feel safe there needs to be a pack leader; that leader needs to be you (or your wife). If one of you does not become the leader then the dog will take that role and she will do what ever she wants and will run your life. Honestly under most cases they want you to be the leader. If they feel safe then they will generally be more even tempered.


Until she's had her shots limit her exposer to other dogs too.

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A mean but effective trick to stopping a dog from going in the house it to make them eat tobasco sauce where they had the accident. I did this trick 3x on my pug (spastic as hell) and it works real good.

OMG, that's horrible. Just because something's effective doesn't mean you should do it. Would you do that to a child who had accidents? if they going in the house and it's due to behaviour, there are better ways of dealing with that then punishment. And if they're just young and don't know any better yet, or not fully in control of their little bladders yet, this tactic is just downright cruel.

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