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A Shout Out To


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Hey, Caliman, wassup? I was s'posed to be back in the studio today for some more work on a couple songs. But my Missus had a fender bender in town Tuesday and won't have her car back 'till Thursday. The studio's an hour away and I don't like leaving her without trans. when I'm that far away. So it's postponed for now.


Been working on some lyrics for the other song we're doing. I'm doing it much differently than I've ever done. My friend, Ralph, "sang/hummed/do-de-do'd" the melody line on the first time through the song. Actually sorta made it up as he went along. Then he handed me the scratch tracks on a cd and said "write a lyric for this." I'm trying to sort through his grunts and groans to make some sense of his rough idea. Took most of yesterday and this afternoon but I think I'm onto something good now.


Havin' fambly over tomorrow for some BBQ'd steaks and stuff. Gramma'll take the young'ns off for play afterwards, while we men retire to the man-cave for some bass and chest thumping. Should be a very nice afternoon.


So, Todd...what's on your dance-card, compadre?

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Dennis, I'm fixing to do some recording on Garage Band tomorrow. I've got some stuff I've been working on and I figure it's best to record it before I forget it. Same chords as Sweet Child of Mine by GNR and I'm arpeggiating the chords nicely. I love the way it goes from D to C to G and back to D so smoothly. It's incredibly easy.

I'm also going to do some class work tomorrow. Found out I got a B+ in the first class. I'll be sure to do better in the next two classes. Then this credential will cleared and I'll be free to teach anywhere in California again. It's always something. Anyway, I hope you have a great time tomorrow. If it don't rain. I've got baseball practice in the afternoon. So my day is full.

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