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ES-137 Help


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New to the forum, so this is a repost from another area hoping to be more specific. Sorry 'bout that.


Looking to buy my first Gibson and very interested in the ES-137. However, I can't seem to find one in a local shop right now ("uh, we have them backordered") and wanted to get some opinions from those in the know. I am not well versed on semi-hollows, but I love the blues and semi's seem to have a good history with that style. I am familiar with the sound and tone of BB's and 57' Classics in various instruments (but not a semi) my friends own, but have never heard the 490/498 combo so I am a bit wary. Any input would be greatly appreciated, or ideas of other Gibson models (budget not unlimited) that are good blues boxes. Thanks in advance for the help folks.

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Most people will tell you to get a double cut. If you like the single cut, then you like the single cut. You can play the blues on everything from an es 350 to a Flying V, SG, and Explorer. So let your taste guide you, but buy the one that feels the best in your hands... in this day and age you can make the SOB sound however you like, but your hands will be playing the instrument.


The best thing to do is to make time to get out there and play as many guitars as you can. And if you can buy used you'll get a lot nicer guitar for your money.

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Yeah, I am definately trying to put as many in my hands as I can. Being a bigger guy, the SG's and even the Fenders feel a bit small for me, particularly if I am playing sitting down, which I do a lot since I am not a gigging musician or anything like that. I am also more of a traditionalist, so some of the more exotic designs like the Flying V and other funky shaped guitars are a bit much for me. I have played LP's and love them just like most everybody else, but there is something about a semi-hollow tone that gets me. I would love a 335, just can't afford one. There are 2 'official' Gibson dealers here in Louisville, and neither have had a 339 or 137 when I have been over there. Being relatively new to playing, I have not developed the patience for picking out the perfect instrument yet. Always looking for some good advice, I appreciate your reply.

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bloom -- I have had people tell me they can tell the difference between a 490R and a 57 classic... And I let them believe that... But I know they cannot...


There is nothing wrong with the 490R/498T... If anyting there is a bigger difference between the 498 and the 57 classic plus...


I have a Japanse epi 335 and an es-137... I use the ES-137 mostly for jazz... It would make a good blues guitar... But I would prefer the 335... I think the es-335 is the best for the blues...


I know a lot of folks love to play the strat for blues... But I have never been a fan...


I also like the Epiphone Riviera for the blues... A 335 with mini buckers... Now that's a good blues combination...

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My SG has the 498/490s, and my 335 the 57s. Very different sounding guitars, but I think it's more the construction than the pickup. I was playing the SG through a jazz amp I was sent to evaluate, and it had some real snap and bite it that I don't hear from the 335...but, again, they are different instrument.


Forgot to mention: a good friend has a 137, but now he's got an SG and is selling the 137. He's a swing/country player, for what that's worth.

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I have as ES-137 custom. It has the 57 Classic pups and an ebony fretboard. It is like a BIG Les Paul in shape (with f-holes). It is heavy (9.02 lbs). It is also a tone machine!


I play a variety of styles but blues is mostly what I do. The 137 is a very playable guitar and sounds sweet or raunchy or gritty...whatever I want out of it. It has a varitone switch but I don't use it much. The ES-137 Classic will save you some money for sure.


I have a Les Paul Studio and an SG Classic that sounds a lot different than each other and the 137. I took the 490r/498t pups out of the Studio and put in 57 classic/57 classic+ because I liked them better and they seem to be better matched. There is nothing wrong with the 490r/498t pups but the 498t seems to be a little bit too hot with the 490r.


You probably won't find too many ES-137s in a guitar store but they are there.


Good Luck!



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Thanks for all the input. Maybe I need to give the SG another shot. Cajun...I am not familiar wth the Epiphone Riviera, I'll see what kind of research I can do on it. I agree about the 335, I just love that sound. $3000 + for a guitar probably isn't in my future right now though. I also eard the 498 was pretty hot, I like the 'creamier'(can I say that here) sound of the '57's.


Myles...that is a beautiful guitar, I really like the tri-burst. I like the blue burst too, but imagine for future value the tri-burst will hld up better. I was thinking of going with the Classic, and extra several hundred dollars for a switch I wouldn't have the first clue how to use wouldn't be smart for me to do.


BTW, what do folks think about the use of Ebay for used guitars? I have never used it to get anything, always makes me nervous and some won't sell to a person with no feedback. Any ideas of used shops that will ship and can be trusted to send out a solid product?

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bloomster, bought a lp on ebay, what a mess this ax was, all b.s. from seller. ebay, after contacting them, got all my money back, less shipping. cost me 80 bucks .with nothing to show. my opinion, would be to deal with a brick and ,motar guy/business most of these guys have a vested interst so to speak. some advertise on ebay. you might want to check Gbase gear search Gbase .com awesome website, all real stores etc. have everything. only problem, can't play them, its a crap shoot. i have bought 2 guitars, and got real lucky, there is nothing in the detroit area for sale ? so like you no choice. good luck brother

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Yeah, I dig the 339. It sort of came down to a 137 or a 339 for me. One of the 2 Gibson dealers around here is like walking into a shady used car lot; I kept expecting to hear someone ask me, "What will it take to to put you in this Gibson today..." It is actually much worse than the nearest GC (about 70 miles). The other dealer does not even carry the 339. I wish I had a better idea of what the two can offer tone wise. I could get an LP standard, it's not like that would be a bad thing. But I had a buddy of mine get an Epi LP and replaced the PUP's with BB's and it sounds pretty darn close to the real thing, so if I went with a Gibson I wanted to go with a semi-hollow. Still pretty new to playing, but I am rapidly becoming familiar with this GAS I kept hearing about. It pisses my girlfriend off cause I think she is trying to figure out how to wear a Gibson on her finger. That 339 sure has a purty mouth...


Anybody know of some decent audio clips for a 137 and/or 339?

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bloom 59,

I have a es135 that I picked up used at GC. The guitar is excellent. Have you considered looking for a used es 135 or 137? I don't think you will be disappointed with either guitar. The body of 339 is a lot smaller than the 137.

myles, I like your 137 custom. Is there a big difference in sound using the varitone control?

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Kenny...I would prefer to buy used to save some money but I am having trouble finding used or new 339's or 137's near where I live. I like the bigger body of the 137 since I am a bigger guy and I am a living room/bedroom player and play sitting down a lot. The SG's and Strats feel kind of small to me when I am holding them. I'm sure I could get used to it, but I have been mainly an acoustic player for the relatively short period of time I have been playing, and I guess I am just used to the feeling of a dreadnaught. I like the 135 as well, but have heard there was more of a feedback problem with them, but definately correct me if that isn't the case. That's mainly the reason I am on here; to get educated by folks who know a lot more about this stuff than I do.

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bloom 59,

I have not experienced any feedback problems what-so-ever. I play mine through one 150 and one 75 watt amps via an a-b-y switch. Gibson put a block in the guitar body to prevent any feedback, and it works. Keep looking for the used 157/137, they do come up every so often. Good luck and keep us posted on your quest.

Kenny V

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bloom 59' date='

I have a es135 that I picked up used at GC. The guitar is excellent. Have you considered looking for a used es 135 or 137? I don't think you will be disappointed with either guitar. The body of 339 is a lot smaller than the 137.

myles, I like your 137 custom. Is there a big difference in sound using the varitone control? [/quote']


The varitone switch cuts different frequencies for each position:



Position 1: Bypass

Position 2: reduces the 1875Hz frequency by -8.5dB (more than twice). This removes some of mid range sound.

Position 3: is set at about 1kHz and reduces it by about -12 dB or 4 times that of normal.

Position 4:is set at 650Hz and reduces the frequency by about -15dB. This removes some of the "lower mid" frequencies.

Position 5:is set at 350Hz and reduces it by about -16dB.

Position 6: is set at 130 and reduces that frequency by -20dB. This removes a lot of the low end of the guitar.


I don't know if I will get a lot of use out of it but it is interesting. Each position gives you an increasingly thinner sound. I haven't messed with it a whole lot and I see it as more of a curiosity than a useful tool. Combined with the 3 way switch you can vary your sound a lot. I tend to like a loud BOOM when I want it and I am accustomed to getting that with playing technique rather than with switches.


The ES-137 is very much like a big Les Paul. I like the ebony fretboard and the thick maple neck plus unplugged it has some volume to it. It rounds out my electric guitars nicely. I hardly ever use pedals and my guitars sound great through the Fender Twin without any extra help.


I wish I knew more about the ES-339 it seems like a great guitar. There should be some You-Tube videos that would give you an idea of the tone you get from them.

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Thanks Myles. I have not had the opportunity to play a 137 custom or the 339. I did seen one that was already sold at a Gibson dealer. It is a great looking guitar, just a little larger than an LP. I told a salesman I know pretty well at my local GC to contact me if he gets in a used ES339 or a CS356. Hoping to make one of them my next guitar purchase.

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Thanks for all the input. Maybe I need to give the SG another shot. Cajun...I am not familiar wth the Epiphone Riviera' date=' I'll see what kind of research I can do on it. I agree about the 335, I just love that sound. $3000 + for a guitar probably isn't in my future right now though. I also eard the 498 was pretty hot, I like the 'creamier'(can I say that here) sound of the '57's.


Myles...that is a beautiful guitar, I really like the tri-burst. I like the blue burst too, but imagine for future value the tri-burst will hld up better. I was thinking of going with the Classic, and extra several hundred dollars for a switch I wouldn't have the first clue how to use wouldn't be smart for me to do.


BTW, what do folks think about the use of Ebay for used guitars? I have never used it to get anything, always makes me nervous and some won't sell to a person with no feedback. Any ideas of used shops that will ship and can be trusted to send out a solid product?[/quote']



Sorry, I didn't see your post. I don't trust ebay though lots of people have gotten some good deals. I bought my 137 from Wildwood guitars in Colorado. They will work with you on the guitar of your choice. They have lots of used guitars and most are in top-notch shape. I wouldn't hesitate to buy from them again. If you look at their website they have pictures and serial numbers of all the gear they sell. They have pics and a description of any defects, dings or scratches.


I'm sure their are lots of shops that you can trust I only have experience with Wildwood.



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Thanks Myles, I will take a look at what they have. I am going back tomorrow to see that 137 I just found and try to find out more about whether the crack near the pickup toggle switch is finish only, or if it goes down to the wood. It sounds great, and I think I can probably talk them down a bit. I appreciate the link to Wildwood, I don't really want o mess with ebay. Given this would be my first Gibson AND electric, I am sure if I pull the trigger on something I'll be a brat about it. Appreciate all the feedback.

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There is nothing wrong with the 490r/498t pups but the 498t seems to be a little bit too hot with the 490r.


You probably won't find too many ES-137s in a guitar store but they are there.


Gibson say that the 490r/498t pups are a matched pair, whereas the 57 classics are not. But I just dont get that because they are adjustable and should be set up for good balance anyhow.


I own a ES137 classic, I also wanted a good semi hollow guitar. local stores only stock cheap non inspiring guitars so i had to mail order mine (which supposedly was going to take 6 months from Gibson), but they had Lightburst coming in stock 2 weeks later so I phoned and changed my order. 3 weeks later I had mine.


Nowhere had them in stock in a decent colour and chrome hardware, and I was going to spend about the same on a guitar anyway so if anything was a problem or I did not like the guitar, then It could be sent back and exchanged for another different one.

That was not neccissery anyway because I fell in love with the guitar, it feels, sounds and looks great plus it's much cheaper than a 335 and I prefer the single cut styling. feels like a 335.



I dont beleive that internet/mail order purchase is a bad idea so long as you do some homework first and ruffly know what you want. I think that too many people have an unrealistic idea that the perfect guitar is fate just waiting in a shop somewhere and will reject a perfectly good guitar because of setup issues. Guitars setup in shops are rarely great and theres nobody better to set it up than YOU.


I loved mine when I got it, but after setting the relief, action, stop bar height, nut slot heights, intonation, pickup height, polepeice radius and changing to a set of .11's the guitar is now already a different machine entirely.

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Gibson say that the 490r/498t pups are a matched pair' date=' whereas the 57 classics are not. But I just dont get that because they are adjustable and should be set up for good balance anyhow.


I own a ES137 classic, I also wanted a good semi hollow guitar. local stores only stock cheap non inspiring guitars so i had to mail order mine (which supposedly was going to take 6 months from Gibson), but they had Lightburst coming in stock 2 weeks later so I phoned and changed my order. 3 weeks later I had mine.


Nowhere had them in stock in a decent colour and chrome hardware, and I was going to spend about the same on a guitar anyway so if anything was a problem or I did not like the guitar, then It could be sent back and exchanged for another different one.

That was not neccissery anyway because I fell in love with the guitar, it feels, sounds and looks great plus it's much cheaper than a 335 and I prefer the single cut styling. feels like a 335.



I dont beleive that internet/mail order purchase is a bad idea so long as you do some homework first and ruffly know what you want. I think that too many people have an unrealistic idea that the perfect guitar is fate just waiting in a shop somewhere and will reject a perfectly good guitar because of setup issues. Guitars setup in shops are rarely great and theres nobody better to set it up than YOU.


I loved mine when I got it, but after setting the relief, action, stop bar height, nut slot heights, intonation, pickup height, polepeice radius and changing to a set of .11's the guitar is now already a different machine entirely.







I agree that buying online or mail-order is great as long as you know what you want. I would hate to send one back though...


The idea of playing one at a store will help a lot in knowing what you want. Sometimes things look real good in pictures but until you get one in your hands you just don't know. There are lots of shops near enough to me that have really nice guitars of all makes and flavors besides, I have played just about everything that I need to.


I had 490r/498t ups in my LP Studio but swapped them for 57/57+ pups and they sound much better to me. The tone I get is very pleasing. I like the 57 classics in my es-137 as well. Gibson can say what they want but my ears and my multimeter tell me the truth.


I rotate my guitars and tomorrow is ES-137 day! Today was SG Classic (P90 pups) so I'm a little fried.:-s


Enjoy your ES-137!

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  • 1 month later...

The more I play this guitar, the more I discover how versatile it really is. The tones just keep coming!!. I can get just about any sound I need only from a small 15w Laney VC 15 (coupled with how you play it).


Also, some people discount this as a Jazz guitar which I have to completely dissagree with. It's bang on the bucks for Jazz if you want it to be. This guitar does way more than an ES335. This guitar can recreate any sound you want bar metal 'obviously'.


I would love a nice p90 solid body, but with this guitar I can already get very close to that sound so it's not a huge priority. Would love a Batwing Coronet though.



When people finally realise the potential of these guitars, the price will rocket! we have needed something different for a while and this is it!

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This guitar does way more than an ES335.


Touche' date=' brother! I couldn't agree more ...


This guitar can recreate any sound you want bar metal 'obviously'.
Hang on, amigo -- I play Slayer, Judas Priest, Budgie, etc. all the time on my 137 Custom. I would argue that it can totally hold its own when it comes to metal. I love my 137! (especially now that it's got a Bigsby)



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Touche' date=' brother! I couldn't agree more ...


Hang on, amigo -- I play Slayer, Judas Priest, Budgie, etc. all the time on my 137 Custom. I would argue that it can totally hold its own when it comes to metal. I love my 137! (especially now that it's got a Bigsby)




That will be down to my amp. Nice bigsby BTW!

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