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Listen To What Krasi Hath Wrought!

Buc McMaster

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Mr.Gibs this is a vague question but how did you go about working out the music for that? Did you just have a general tune in your head that you worked out with your experience on the guitar or did you go through the syllable set up in the lyrics or some such definable method?


Bluesbreather, it hapened like that:

I saw the lyrics of BucMcMaster here in the Gibson Forum. The words just hit me like a hUmmer. Those words in the text are so sharp - they cut like a knife. I have no melodies in my head without the guitar in my hands. I took my new guitar - "THE GALE" (an amazing instrument!), put the "open D" Kyser capo on the second position and started to strum. I somehow knew that tis will be an "open D" melody (matter of fact it is "open E" with that capo on the second fret)

I knew that it has to be a simple melody, and in the same time - not trivial. In cases like that one - it hapens - when I love very much the text I "can hear" it's melody. It just comes in my head, in my ears, in my hands... It comes first on peaces. A bit of this part of the melody, a bit of other part of the melody. And I have to sing and play much to assemble the peaces, to fit them up. I even wake up at night with ideas what I have to change and what I have to reorder, how should I change the melody. I sleep with the song in my head. In the morning first thing I do is to take the guitar and to play and sing what I have dreamed of. For example I had the idea for the bass riffs that have to point out this deadlock situation in the little western town. Just like the faith tells the people that Helldorado is a place to shoot to kill and there's no way out of it...

In a moment I changed the guitars and took M_R GIBS in hand. Well - after that the process rolled up in high speed. The SJ 200 gives exactly that "american western sound" that I needed for this tune.

As I have just one voice and one guitar I decided to construct the song as a sort of a dialogu? between the guitar and the voice. In the actual video in youtube this process of fitting the dialogue is not "polished".

The truth is that I make songs since 1978, I have listened thousands of songs of many kinds and styles and I have an enormous quantity of music in my head.

The other truth is the fact that I hold in hands a Gibson Acoustic SJ 200 Custom. Having M-R GIBS in hands gives me a huge self confidence. Not only before the audience, but before myself.

Having this fine Gibson guitar in hands allways reminds me that "I got the power".

Every time I take M-R GIBS in hands I have the feeling that everything is possible and that he says to me: "And now mate, see what sound I will show to you..." Or: "..aha, you got that melody - well, let's see... hmmm, you play it like this but actually you have to play it LIKE THAT..."

And my friend M-R GIBS shows me exactly how to play the damn thing!!!

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Krasi and Buc. Cheers. I'm working on some stuff I do for a couple of pub gigs next week but will have a crack at it after that. I may be bothering you both with questions.


Thanks for the permission gents.


Great stuff again.

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Krasi and Buc. Cheers. I'm working on some stuff I do for a couple of pub gigs next week but will have a crack at it after that. I may be bothering you both with questions.


Thanks for the permission gents.


Great stuff again.


Ask whatever and whenever you need - you'll have my answers mate ;-)

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Dang Krassi... will you come sing for my funeral?




Matter of fact I'd prefere to sing in front of you when you are alive TommyK. And drink a bottle of red vine with you (when you're alive too)[blush]


But if you want to sing for your funeral - there may be some problem - I may be dead before you die, so I'll not promise nothing!!!



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