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This is a sport?


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Yeah, the whole "wear earplugs" thing should have given it away for you Das44..


Seriously speaking I'm not going to turn this into a crapstorm thread so anyone against the seal hunt is welcome to be, but most people that protest it have had nothing to do with, been around or even know why they hunt the seals.


If they didn't hunt them the population would boom, causing the seals to eat all the cod, then once the cod was depleted the over populated seals would slowly starve to death making for a much worse fate than the closely monitered, and regulated seal hunt.


Then there's the celebrities. Paul McCartney argued with the Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador about practices that have been going on for generations and when Mr Williams invited the McCartneys to come to Newfoundland and visit some of the sealers, he replied "I'm IN Newfoundland" to which the premier smartly replied, "No Sir, you are in Prince Edward Island" (a completely different province). So there's that.


Then there's these people... Classy.


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Hehehehehe....Canadians are a peaceful folk....cept those who blub seals I guess... [biggrin]

90 percent of your population is massed on our border... Should we be scared?


Time to let the thread die...

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