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Expressing disappointment


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I bought a VOS 1960 LP plain top about a month ago and was very happy with it. However, upon looking inside the case pocket, I saw that the Certificate of Authenticity and the tross rod tool were missing. I called the retailer where I purchased the guitar and they called Gibson who told them the guitar had to be shipped to them for inspection and they would reissue a certificate.


Now, I was told that the case had been sealed in their warehouse (the retailer's), so if this is the case it is Gibson's fault for not putting the missing things in it. I'm just expressing my dissapointment on such a grave oversight. Now I have to ship my guitar, wait X amount of weeks until I get it back... I love Les Pauls and have 3 of them. I'm still going to call support and talk to someone, not yell at, to establish a relationship and resolve this in a sane way. I just hope Gibson treats me right...



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I assume they're doing this to ensure your guitar is not a forgery. Unfortunately, there are many unscrupulous characters out there building & selling fakes. If it was me I'd just live without the COA. Not having one won't affect the value that much, and I wouldn't risk shipping the guitar just to get one. IMHO, UPS is the number one destroyer of fine guitars.

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Yeah, I bought it at Guitar Center, so I'm sure it's authentic. A lot of times they open cases and take stuff out to use it for other guitars, or they give you the wrong case etc... They have to have opened it to display it, so I believe they, GC, just lost it. I agree with you about the potential of further damage just to get that paper.... I'll give that some thought about doing without it.... Another thing I could do is get them to order another VOS (althought I'm "in love" with mine, sort of speak). It's been four days over their 30 day return policy, and they might just be willing to accommodate me.... Sok66, thanks for your helpful feedback. I'll post the result, thanks again.

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They stopped sending truss rod wrenches a while ago (a year maybe?) so guys wouldn't adjust/screw up their neck and take it to a qualified repairman instead. Call Gibson directly about the COA because GC employees aren't famous for being knowledgeable. You have a Guitar Center plaintop R0, which is actually referred to as a G0. It's the same guitar, just a GC exclusive. They're not available in Canada; so, I don't know this for sure but I don't think G0s come with a COA and I don't think they ever did. I think I read that somewhere; don't quote me, though.

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