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Buckethead les paul


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Yep, here's the original post from June of 2008;


for all the buckethead fans' date=' or fans of great guitar playing.

i honestly think that gibson should do a line of replecas of buckethead's les paul.

that would be sweet.....[/quote']

Maybe they could do a Les Paul with a headstock shaped like an upside down KFC bucket!!!!





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Okay' date=' I have some things to say. First of all, this will probably be my only post here, I joined the site because I wanted tell you some things.

Stop judging things by the way they look. Does Buckethead's bucket play guitar? Does his obsession with chickens change the way he play? The fact that his face is hidden behind a mask, makes him a worse player? No.

It pisses me off that most of you guys, probably mainstream *****es, say that he isn't a conventional guitar player and because of that he doesn't deserve respect.

So what if he's not?

As far as I'm concerned this is a GOOD thing.

He's not your generic guitar player, he's something better. He isn't popular, but who cares?

That guy is one of the best players around.

He sells his cds online, that's why you can't find them in most of your stores, not because he's a bad player.

He can play fast, but that doesn't make him the guitar god. What makes him the guitar god is the effort he puts in every cd he records, even if the cd sucks you can tell that he had fun making it. I feel sad for him, because the reason he uses the bucket and mask (he said it himself) is that he wanted that people only judged him by his music not by his looks and instead, you jerks pay attention to the bucket and mask, and forget to listen to the music.


Want my opinion on the guitarists most of you like? I don't care, I'll say it anyway.


I don't like Page, Hendrix or Slash. In fact, they're boring. And yes, even hendrix. I don't like people that just shred, and I don't like people that are just looks and talk.


And to all of you, sweeties, that think that he only shreds. Two words for you: ELECTRIC TEARS.

So, Arka joins the site for the sole purpose of resurrecting a thread that was started in the last forum and then laid dormant for months - only to tell everybody that they MUST agree with him or they have sh!t for brains.


Okay, I understand now.


Buckethead sells cd's online, that's why you can't find them in stores?

Oh, okay.

Tell me why some of the biggest album releases of the last two years were WalMart exclusives.

Eagles, AC/DC, for example.




If the market isn't there, you sell online - or out of the trunk of your car.....


Wearing a mask (or KFC bucket) so as not to be noticed or judged?




Walk down the street with a KFC bucket on your head and somebody will call the cops....

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As I stated in one of the other Buckethead threads - how many does that make now? - if you wanna buy his music then go ahead. Support the artists you enjoy with your money - that's how they succeed.


If you wanna shave your dog's ***, paint a smile on it, and teach him to walk backwards - go ahead.

Just don't piss all over people who might not embrace your freakiness as genius.




I'm really not a Jeff Beck fan.


I don't travel the world and the forums to demand that everybody agree with me.


Give me a fxcking break....



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